The same thing everyday

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Yeah, that's mostly what it was. I'd get up, brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed, go down to the pool deck for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and read.

One by one, the eliminated contestants arrived, so the pool deck got more packed with each new teen. After Justin had gotten eliminated, we had gotten more friendly to each other, and it turns out, Justin likes books just as much as I do. Sometimes I would lend him one of my books, and to my surprise, he would finish them in just about a day, even if it was a long book.

But now after Katie arrived, she's been fan-girling over Justin and whining that her other half isn't with her. If Katie is annoying on her own I wonder how bad it'll be when Sadie comes along. The next person to come to the playa was Tyler, so at least I could talk to someone I sort-of knew. The only real interaction that we had had on the show was in the dinning hall, and that was mostly just a quick hello or waves.

Today was the first time I sat in the pool. To be honest, it was kind of nice. I didn't go to a pool very often, because I'm not the strongest swimmer, but this pool had benches along the sides so I mostly just sat there and talked with Justin, while watching Tyler badly aim his jump into the pool and bonk his head on the bench.

"-when I was younger I would do underwater modeling." Justin was saying, "it was always super tiring because I would have to hold my breath for so long, but the finished product was always stunning."

Katie sighed, "just because you where in the pictures, right Justin?"

Justin smiled. "Of course."

"I swear to god, homeschool, I will fucking kill you!"

We all looked over at Eva, who was standing over Zeke, who was trembling. By now, we had gotten used to the constant bickering between the two of them, most of it ending in Zeke with a bloody nose and black eye and Eva being taken away to her room by security.

We all went back to minding our own business, not bothering to help Ezekiel, because he got on everyone's nerves, especially the girls, because of his sexist remarks.

"Let's hope he doesn't go back for another season." Tyler sighed, emerging from the bottom of the pool, rubbing his head.

I did an exaggerated eye roll. "Tell me about it. Let's hope the show flops and McClain cant even do another season. That would be the highlight of my life."

Justin chuckled. "Yeah. I don't even really need the money. I make enough modeling anyways."

I splashed water around my hands. "Yeah yeah yeah, stop showing off, we get it."

Katie squeaked. "Maybe if we get married we can share the money!"

Justin shrugged. "Doubtful, but perhaps. We'll have to see."

I nudged his shoulder and whispered, "you might as well just remove all contact with her or she'll be stalking you until the day you die."

Justin raised his eyebrow. "I think she's already stalking me. She was at my door last night humming. It was scary."

"Scarier than the thought of Chef's slop?"



We sat in silence for a moment, until I got up, shaking myself off like a dog. "Can I get you guys any snacks?"

Katie and Justin shook their heads, but Tyler nodded. "Can you grab me a chocolate chip cookie?"

I hoisted myself out of the pool and onto the deck. "Sure bud."

I walked over to the snack stand. It was always the same intern working there, a tall ginger haired guy with glasses. "Can I help you Noah?" He asked. I nodded.

"Can I get a chocolate chip cookie, a pineapple smoothie and a brownie please?" I asked. The bartender nodded. "Coming right up."

He handed the cookie and the brownie to me and prepared the smoothie, handing that to me as well.

"Thanks." I said. He nodded. I brought the snacks back to the pool and sat back down beside Justin. I handed Tyler his cookie and took a bite of my brownie, chocolatey-goodness melting in my mouth. I had never had one of the brownies before, so I was pleasantly surprised.

"That's good right?" Justin said. I nodded, my mouth full.


I decided to go back to my room a little while later and watch TV. Total Drama Island was on, so I put up with it. It was weird seeing everyone's face again, even if I wasn't there. It was weird. I missed Owen, somehow, but it seemed like he was doing quite well. Cody was still there, doing better than I thought he could. Courtney has gotten a bit more psycho, but I was expecting that. Never trust a girl who's like Courtney. She pretends to be nice, but in actuality she's a beast. Apparently she was crushing on Duncan, but that didn't surprise me. They where basically the same person, but Duncan's been to juvi and Courtney's a girl and only has one piercing and no green mohawk.

I fell asleep soon, of course, even though it was the middle of the day. When I awoke, there was a knock at my door. I opened it. Tyler stood there, someone I was not expecting to see.

"Hey Tyler. What's up?"

He shrugged. "Can we talk?"

I nodded. "Sure. Come on in."

We sat on opposite beds.

"So I know you might not be the best at this, but I have some girl troubles." He mumbled.

"And you're coming to the gayest kid in gaytown to ask about help with girls?" I joked. "You might as well go to Justin. He's better at that than me."

Tyler shrugged again. He seemed really sad. "I just miss Lindsay."

I wasn't the best person with comforting others. "Uh, well, I'm sure she'll be here soon, Ty. You've just got to wait. But think about it. If you love her, won't you want her to get as far in the game as possible? Then she'll have a better change of winning and you guys can live happily ever after with a shit-ton of cash."

Tyler looked up from the floor. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks Noah."

"No problem. But next time you should go to one of the straight boys. They'll give you better advice." I told him as he walked to the door.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

He left, shutting the door quietly after him.

I sat there on my bed for a while, thinking about nothing, until I heard some commotion from the pool deck. I looked down from my window and saw that Izzy was here now, in a rage. Even from up in my room with the window closed, I could hear what she was ranting about.

"How could the FBI catch me already? I've been running from them for so long and they catch me right during a competition? That blows."

The FBI? What the hell? Was Izzy a criminal and we didn't know? Is she working with Duncan?

I watched her storm inside, and a few minutes later heard her pass my door in the hall, still muttering curses under her breath. 

Great. Now we've got two crazy chicks at the playa. This just got a whole lot more complicated.

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