Playa Des Losers

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So, I thought that when you where eliminated, you would be taken to the airport and go home, because what else was there to do, right? Well, that wasn't the case. After my elimination, the boat of losers took me to a fancy looking hotel, where I could already see the two other eliminated contestants, Ezekiel and Eva. Zeke was sitting in the pool, far away from Eva, who was glaring at him, because of course that sexist homeschooled kid would say something to piss her off.

The boat dropped me off, and my feet finally touched safe ground. To be honest, the trip was only about fourth five minutes, but it felt like ages. I stood beside a palm tree for a minute. Ever since I had started the ride here, I was thinking of Cody. Why was he crying, or was it just the reflection of the water in his eyes? Or maybe he was crying for a different reason? But what would that reason have been?

Anyways, that didn't really matter right now. All I wanted to do right now was sleep. I hadn't been able to get a really good sleep in what felt like years.

"I knew your sarcastic ass would be voted off sooner or later." I heard Eva grumble. I looked over to her, raising my eyebrows. "Oh yeah you're one to talk. You where eliminated second because you almost killed your teammates. What does that say about you? Jesus, you should be in a straight jacket."

Eva growled, but turned her head back to Ezekiel. I picked up my bags and entered the building, witch had a huge golden sign on it, with the words 'playa des losers' in-carved in it.

Nice. I thought. This'll be just as bad as the actual island.

I walked over to the closest room I could see, but just as my hand was touching the doorknob, I noticed the name on the door.


So from what I could decipher, each room was for each contestant. I walked a few paces down the hall until I came to my door.

Noah S

I look at the name, confused. Noah S? Was there another Noah?

Then I realized Chris had been talking about one of his underpaid interns named Noah. As I entered my room, the sweet smell of lavender greeted me, witch I was not expecting. I expected it to smell like dogshit.

As soon as I walked in to my right, there was a bathroom, with a shower-bath, sink, toilet and cabinets. Then to my left there was a tall closet, witch took up most of the floor to the ceiling, stopping just before the ceiling started. I opened one side of it, and two robes where tucked in the cubbies. A few hangers had been supplied, witch I was glad about, because I hadn't packed my own, and I can't stand having wrinkled clothes because they've been laying in a pile on the floor. I can't stand being messy. I'll go crazy. I threw my bag of clothes into the closet.

I'll deal with that later.

Right now, I was to tired to even finish of my book, and I only had two chapters left. There was also two beds, facing a desk and a fireplace with a mantel holding a tv on top. In between the two beds there was a side table, with a phone to contact other rooms or the front desk and a remote for the tv. On the far wall, there was a floor to ceiling window, with khaki coloured blinds. I flopped down on the closest bed, and took a deep breath. I picked up the remote and scrolled through the stations they had. And I wasn't surprised to see that they had Total Drama Island as their star show. I turned it on. The awake-a-thuan episode was playing. I prayed that they didn't catch me kissing Cody's ear. Thankfully, they didn't, because most of the episode was targeted to Gwen and Trent flirting. And I was fine with that, mostly because I fell asleep before the credits rolled.

The next morning, I awoke slowly. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up. The room looked the same, of course. The tv was still on, now playing Food Network, with two chefs screaming at each other because of overdone steak. I looked around for the remote and turned of the tv. Surprisingly, the bed still looked neat, even though I'm a restless sleeper. I got up and headed for the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste out of my bag first. I brushed my teeth and took a shower and got dressed in a white shirt, black sweater and jeans. I decided to go down to the pool for breakfast, and brought a book with me.

When I arrived down there, Eva was working out beside the cabanas, but Zeke was nowhere to be found. Most likely still sleeping, witch wouldn't bug me to much.

"Morning Eva." I said, trying to be nice.

She just grunted in reply.

I walked over to the snack bar and ordered a strawberry smoothie and chips. A great breakfast, I know. I sat down on a lawn chair in the sun and opened my book. At first it was hard to concentrate because Eva's music was so loud, even though she was wearing earbuds, but I soon drowned out all the other noise and dove into my book, taking small sips of my smoothie in between.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought...

Ezekiel soon arrived, but not like I really cared. I spent most of the day at the pool, so before I knew it the next contestant who was eliminated joined us. It was Justin. When I saw him, my heart started beating about one million times per minute. But looking at him now, he looked defeated. And I didn't really see how he was handsome anymore. I guess my feelings went away that quickly? I felt like I had eyes for someone else, but I could place my finger on who that could be...

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