One good thing about losing

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I was heading up to the infirmary because Cody had called be down from the phone in by his bed. He had sounded exited, so that made me relieved. I couldn't stand to see the little guy sad anymore. When I entered, I saw Cody sitting on the edge of his bed, his legs swinging back and forth. His bandages where off, and he was wearing a gray pullover sweatshirt and black track pants. He must have heard me approaching, because he looked up and smiled.

"Noah!" He called, his voice cracking. "The nurse says I can leave the infirmary today!"

I was happy for him. "Way to go little dude! That's great. We can finally hangout for real down by the pool deck."

Cody slid down from the cot and landed on his feet. "That sounds like fun! I can't wait to say a proper 'hello' to everyone else!" He bit his lip. "Who else is here again? Remind me."

"Well there's me, you, Justin, Tyler, Izzy, Eva, Zeke and Sadie. Oh, and Beth arrived yesterday." I said, listing of the other losers.

Cody nodded. "Okay. Are you ready to go?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Are you?"

He smiled. "Yep. Ready as ever."

I lead Cody to his room, where he had left his stuff before he went to the infirmary.

"I'll meet you outside my room when you've got your swim trunks on, okay?" I told him.

"Okay." He said, "but how do I know witch room is yours?"

"It's got my name on it."

Cody nodded, and before he closed the door behind him he said, "thanks for being so helpful Noah. It's really the only good thing about losing."

I was going to give a sarcastic remark back, but I stopped myself, and just smiled. "No problem little man. See you in a few."

When Cody arrived outside of my dorm, I could see that all of his scratches had mostly healed over.

"You're looking better." I told him. He looked down at his bare chest. "Thanks. They still sting a bit, but, what can you do."

We arrived on the pool deck, where most of the others where. Izzy, Tyler and Eva were playing a game of waterpolo at the deep end of the pool, Eva beating them every serve. Justin was sitting on the bench in the pool, Katie sitting beside him, chattering into his ear, witch Justin didn't seam to care about. Beth was sitting in a cabana eating a hotdog, and of course, Zeke was nowhere to be found.

Cody followed me to the pool and we sat on the other side of Justin.

"Hey Noah, Cody." He nodded to each of us, "glad you're back code-mister."

Cody smiled. "Thanks."

"Place you're bets on who you think is going to be voted out next." Tyler chuckled, swimming over to us.

"My bet's on Lindsay." Justin said, "she's as dumb as a rock, no offence Tyler."

"None taken. It would be nice to have her here." Tyler sighed.

I looked over to Cody. "What do you think?"

Cody bit his lip, witch I noticed was a bad habit of his. But he looked cute doing it, so I let it slide.

"I think it'll be Sadie. She'll fail the challenge on purpose just to be with Katie." He said. I nodded. "Makes sense. I'll give you twenty if you're right."

After about another hour of relaxing and talking in the pool, Cody nudged my shoulder. I turned to him.

"Can we go back inside now?"

I nodded. "Sure."

Standing up, I took a deep breath. "Cody and I are heading out. See you tomorrow guys."

Justin waved, and Tyler tried to, but nocked his hand on the side of the pool instead. I followed Cody inside, both of us soaking wet. When we got to my room, Cody stopped.

"Can I stay in your room for a bit?"  He asked. I nodded. "Sure, whatever."

I opened the door, and Cody followed me in. I blushed. My room was way to messy to have guests. My clothes were draped all over the floor and random stacks of up to ten books were scrambled all over the room. That's what most of my luggage had been.

"Sorry about the mess." I sighed. "I wasn't expecting guests."

Cody stepped into the bathroom. "No, it's okay. I bet my room is worse."

I laughed. "You've been in your room for one day genius, how messy could it be?"

Cody shrugged. He was fixing his hair in the mirror, still dripping onto the floor. I walked into the bathroom too, and stood in the shower-bath, grabbing a towel and wiping my face. Cody turned around to face me.

"I'm gonna go grab a few of my things from my room then I'll meet you back here, kay?"

"Sure kid. Take your time." I told him. He left, closing the door after him. I took a long breath in and out.

Was Cody the boy I had been feeling weird about? It couldn't have been, right?


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