Coming out

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When I arrived back at the room with Cody and I's order, he had fallen asleep on the bed, mumbling in his sleep. I smiled and put his coffee in the microwave so that it wouldn't get cold, and placed his muffin on the side table.

There was a knock at the door so I walked over and opened it. Beth was standing there, picking at a scab on her hand.

"May I help you?" I asked. She looked passed me to a sleeping Cody. I turned my head to follow her gaze.

"Uh, did you guys have sex?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah," I lied, "we fucked so much he's dead. Sorry Cody, RIP."

Beth recoiled.

"I'm just kidding." I told her, "what do you need?"

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to a movie night out on the pool deck tonight. They'll be a BBQ too."

I shrugged. "I'll see what Cody says when he wakes up. Thanks Beth."

Beth nodded and scampered away. I shut the door, louder than I wanted to. Cody lifted his head.

"Noah? Who was that?"

I looked over at him and took a sip of my coffee. "Beth. She invited us to a movie-BBQ down at the pool tonight. You up for it?"

Cody rubbed his eyes. "Sure, I guess."

I smiled. "Okay. Your coffee is in the microwave and your muffin is there." I gestured to the side table. He grabbed the bag and took the chocolate chip muffin out and took a bite, crumbs falling onto the white duvet cover.

"Is it good?" I asked him. He nodded, his mouth to full to actually respond. I got up and walked over to the microwave, opening it and taking out Cody's coffee. I handed it to him.

"Here. So that you can fully wake up before the party tonight."

He smiled graciously and took it from me, taking a sip.

"And it's still warm," he chuckled.

"I think we should tell everyone tonight." I said. Cody looked over at me and tilted his head, his messy hair flopping over to one side.

"Tell everyone what?"

"You know, that we're dating?" I told him. He shrugged one shoulder.

"I guess, if you want to. What could go wrong?"

I took another sip of my coffee. "Okay. We'll head down there in a few hours or so," I looked at the clock on the wall, "can you be ready at five?"

Cody nodded and threw the muffin bag into the trashcan. "You bet."


At 5pm, Cody and I went down to the pool deck. Everyone else was already there.

Justin, Zeke, Katie, Sadie, Courtney, Harold, Tyler, Beth, and Trent. Eva had come back as well, after being eliminated the same episode that she went back.

"Hey! Noah! Cody!" Trent called, "what's up you guys?"

I looked around. "Not much. It's crazy out here. How long did it take you to decorate out here?"

Trent shrugged. "About two hours, but it's worth it, right? Doesn't it look so cool?"

I nodded. Trent walked away, giving Cody and I the perfect time to talk to each other about the plan. 

"When are we going to tell everyone?" He asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "What about just before the BBQ. That's when we'll have everyone's attention."

Cody nodded proudly. "That sounds good to me."

We both walked over to Justin, who was cooking hotdogs on the barbecue. He looked up when he heard us.

"Welcome guys. How's your night?" He asked.

"It's going good thanks." Cody smiled. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"That's good." Justin acknowledged.

I pointed at the hotdogs. "When do you think those'll be done?"

Justin thought for a second. "About five minutes most likely. Why?"

I chuckled nervously. "Just hungry I guess," I lied.

Justin smiled. "Okay. You guys can take first pick."

Cody raised an eyebrow. "We don't need that, but thanks."

Justin waved it off. "I insist."

Cody and I looked at each other and I shrugged.

"Okay. Thanks man."

Cody and I sat in an empty cabana,  watching everyone else hang out. Soon after, Justin walked up to us.

"The hotdogs are ready. Come and take your pick."

I looked over at Cody, who looked back at me. I nodded to him and then to Justin. "Okay. We'll be right there."

Justin walked away, and I got up from my chair. Cody did the same. I took his hand.

"Are you ready?"

He nodded, blushing. "Ready as I'll ever be."

We walked up to the barbecue, and I turned to face everyone.

"Um, hello, everyone?"

All heads turned to look at Cody and I.

"Cody and I want tell you all s...something." I stuttered.

After I stayed silent for a second, Eva huffed.

"Well, spit it out string bean."

I built up all the courage I had.

"Cody and I have been wanting to tell everyone this for a long time, and I hope that it won't change how you see us."

Courtney raised her eyebrows.

"Cody and I...Well, we're dating."

Katie's eye grew wide. "Eee! That's so cute you guys!"

Justin chuckled. "Wow you guys! Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Cody bit his lip. "We just weren't ready."

"We won't judge you!" Beth smiled.

I looked over at Cody, who was blushing.

"Thanks you guys. We just wanted to make some things clear. I'm really happy that this doesn't change anything."

Chatter formed amongst the other losers, but it wasn't mean.

"We accept you!"

"That's amazing!"

"Thanks for telling us!"

I looked over at Cody, who took a deep breath. I held his hands in mine, and leaned in to kiss him. Our lips met, and everyone cheered louder.

I pulled away from him and let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry."

Cody smirked. "It's okay. It was nice."

"I love you Cody." I laughed.

"I love you too Noah."

Okay okay okay. So some of you might be thinking, 'is that the end of the book?'

Answer - i don't know. I feel like this is a good place to end it, but it doesn't have many chapters, and I was expecting it to have more. But, I guess I'll continue it in the sequel. Thank you guys for all your reads and votes, it means so much to me.

Keep an eye out for the sequel! It'll most likely take place during TDA and TDWT. I'm exited to write the WT part, because Noah gets so much more screen time in the actual game.

Thank you guys and I hope you enjoyed!

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