Day who knows

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T/W - Signs of Abuse, Small panic, fat shaming, self hate.

Virgils POV

Day, who knows. I have been living with Remy for a long time now. It's not that bad. I sigh and start to take off my clothes so I could shower. I started showering with the light off because I hate my body. I haven't seen myself in a long time. Remy told me to stop going to school, so I did.

My hand runs down my side and I wince at the pain. When Remy doesnt get what he wants he makes sure I know I did something wrong. I get into the shower and just stand there. I stopped feeling emotion a few weeks ago. I dont knowing that's a good thing or not.

Remy got fired from the mall and now works at Starbucks. I still work at Hot Topic, thankfully. I sigh. I haven't seen Logan, or Remus, or Janus in a long time. Maybe I should call them after I get out of the shower.

I quickly finish my shower and get into one of Remys plain white shirts and boxers. Not because that's what I wanna wear, it's what Remy wants me to wear.

"Hey Baby, what the shower nice?" Remy says then kisses my cheek. I smile, "yeah, way better than your apartment." I say to him and sit on our couch.

Remy and I got our own house, well we still pay rent but the place is pretty nice. We have 1 bedroom, a extra bedroom that we just as our office space. A descent sized kitchen, a small livingroom, and 2 bathrooms.

"Imma go get coffee want anything?" Remy asks me, I look at him, "Tea." I say then get on my phone. "Okay, I will be back in 20." Remy says to me then smiles.

"Wait, can I go with you?" I ask him, he looks at me up and down, "put on some shorts and then we will head up there." Remy says smirking.

I put on some black ripped shorts I got from Hot Topic and I grab my phone, house keys, and wallet. "Are we going to walk or drive?" I ask Remy.

"Walk, it's nice outside. Unless your fat ass can't walk that far." Remy says the last part under his breath and I just freeze. Fat, fat, fat. I'm fat. I didnt even know how big I was. I start freaking out but Remy pulls me out side.

We head to Starbucks, the one Remy worked at. We have like 3 in this town, its dumb. Remy is talking to me about something random, but I'm not playing attention to him. I'm stuck in my own thoughts.

I'm fat, I'm ugly, im worthless. I think as I keep walking then I look at Remy. He was about to get hit by a car. My heart stops and I start to freak out. What do I do!

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