Chapter Two

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Mark's Point of View

I woke up to Ethan in my bed. He was still facing me but had finally let go of my arm. He held onto it like a little boy.

I looked at him for a few more seconds, staring off almost before blinking myself back into real life, slowly moving off the bed so to not wake him.

I grabbed my phone off the charger before heading downstairs to feed Chica. After she ate I played with her for a bit, before making a bowl of cereal, and eating it on the couch so I could watch T.V.

I looked towards the stairs once I heard footsteps, only to see Ethan rubbing his eyes with his fists, then moving his blue (faded now) hair out of his face. I could tell he was still tired by how slow he walked.

"Still sick?" I asked, setting my now empty bowl of cereal onto the coffee table in front of me.

Ethan shrugged. "Its gone away but that might be because I went to the bathroom."

We both chuckled. "You're telling me all you needed to do was take a shit?"

We both laughed uncontrollably as Ethan said, "Maybe I dunno."

Ethan sat beside me, and covered up with a throw blanket that was tossed over the back of my couch. "Your bed was really warm and its so cold down here." He said in the little high pitched voice that he did every once in a while.

"Probably because I was in it too. Body heat is a thing you know-" I playfully flexed. "-and I'm a big man so I produce more body heat."

We both laughed. I could tell that Ethan blushed at my remarks but I chose to shrug it off.

"So Mark, any plans today?"

I shook my head 'no'. "Not any that I know of why?"

Ethan turned to me and smiled like an excited kid. "I figured we could make something for Unus Annus."

"Like what?"

"We could make slime Mark, s l i m e!"

I chuckled at him. He was adorable sometimes.

"I thought slime was more of a 2018 kind of thing."

"Slimes still booming in 2020."

"Oh God you're an idiot sometimes."

Ethan playfully hit me with the blanket. "I'm serious. Slimes still popular."

"Fine fine. We'll make slime if it'll make you happy."

Ethan gasped- his mouth wide enough that you could see his top and bottom teeth. "Really!?"

"Yeah sure why not."

He jumped up, and grabbed at my hand, pulling me up. "Let's go get the supplies."

"Its 9 A.m."


I rolled my eyes and stood up. We went to the store and got supplies to make slime.

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