Black Hood

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Chris looks into the air, the fierce wind begins to die down. He looks over the edge of the branch to examine the ground. "I'm not too far from the ground.", he says to himself as he begins to climb over the edge and lower himself down as much as he can.

He drops to the ground with ease. Chris begins to examine his wounded hand, he unwraps his blood soaked bandage. "Damn, that stick got me good." He says to himself with a smirk.

He rips off another piece of his sleeve and begin's to bandage the wound. Frowning he begins to look around his surroundings.

"Nothing but ash, tree's and more damn tree's. I can't see above them. Where the hell is the hill so I can get back up to Jill?" He say's annoyed.

"Ok, so the branch I fell is right above me. I flew in from the my best bet is to go head in that direction."

"I don't have a good feeling right now about all of us basically separated from each other and Nikolai on the run, he could be anywhere. I have to get back to the others."

Frustrated he begins to kick the ash in the air. He watches as the ash flutters in the air, being pulled away by the low drift of wind. He looks ahead of him and see's a black robed figure standing a few feet from him.

"Ohhh shit,  that man popped out of nowhere." Chris says as he tries to calm himself down from being spooked. He begins to slowly walk towards the figure, hand on his gun holster.

"Hello? Leon, is that you?" He walks slower towards the still figure. Chris stops as the figure moves its head to the side observing him. Chris pulls out his handgun.

The black robed figure crouches a little and softly growl's at Chris. It begin's to pace in circles around him. He aim's his gun at the figure.

"What do you want? Who are you?" He asks suspiciously.

The figure stops circling. The long fingers begin to stretch out into long sharp claws. It begins to form a hunch back, long black hair flows down out of the hood.

The creature begins to crack its neck, then its shoulders as it gets on all fours. The claws begin to dig into the ground, pulling out dirt from it. The shoulders begin to rise above its head, pulling its front legs back in a running position. Red eyes appear from the dark black shadow of the hood.

"What the fuck?" Chris whispers alarmed. 

The creature still in a running position, cracks it's neck to the left once more. Then slowly twists its own neck all the way around and back into place, freaking Chris out.

"Jesus Christ!" Chris yell's as he begins to shoot the creature.

It tramples it's way towards Chris, tearing down tree's and ripping the ground out from underneath it.

"Shit!" Chris yells as he dives out of the way. He rolls and gets up to aim his gun. Immediately he begin's shooting the creature's body. The bullets hitting it, blasting out blood left and right. Covering the grey white ash, crimson red.

The creature looks down at its body, then back up at Chris and smiles, showing the long sharp yellow fangs. The bullets begin to seep out of its body to the ground, heat radiating from them. 

"Really?! God dammit." Chris says rolling his eyes and shaking his head in frustration. Chris aim's and shoots the creature in the face. It's head jerks back, growling. Looking straight back at Chris it gives him a menacing evil glare. But doesn't see Chris anywhere in sight. The creature looks in every direction. It begins to sniff into the air for his scent. As it gets a whiff of his blood, he looks in the direction and begins to chase after him, roaring. 

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