Chapter 1

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A black limo stopped infront of a large building with cameras, reporters and a thousand fangirls surrounding the said limo only to be pushed back by the strangely large and bulky guards. A fine young man with jet black hair, pale skin and deep black eyes with a body like of Adonis that was previously sutting inside the limo is now currently stepping on the red carpet. The bright lights from the cameras around him complements his godly face and muscular figure, making him look like a Hollywood actor. Soon voices of random reporters got louder and the squeals of his fangirls became unbearable.

"Uchiha-san, what can you say about the widespread negotiations of different companies to Uchiha Corp.?"

"Uchiha-san, what can you say about the controversial news that you declined numerous attempts of famous and big companies to merge or invest in Uchiha Corp through marriage?"

"Marry me!!"
"I want to have your babies!!!"
"Look here Sasuke-kun!!!"

The said man, Uchiha Sasuke, mentally groaned. He encountered this people in the past 2 years and yet he's still not used to it. 'I should've told the driver to drop me on the back door.' Flashes of the cameras temporarily blinded his eyes as he walked by the red carpet. Mixing those with the loud shouts and screams, the whole damn thing is getting on the Uchiha's nerves.

Feeling a headache coming, he walked quickly yet with pure elegance that made everyone eye him with respect and adoration. Once inside the building, Sasuke was greeted by his employees and just nodded with a simple 'Hn.'

Sasuke hurriedly walked to his office, silently hoping that his loud-of-a-secretary won't notice his presence. But boy, today is not his lucky day. At first, he heard an ear-splitting screech, a screech that made the usually stoic Uchiha flinch then a body was pressed forcefully on his own.

"Why the hurry Sasuke-kun? Can't wait to see me?" came the not-really seductive voice of one Haruno Sakura, the big-headed and flat chested secretary that our Uchiha wants to avoid in any means possibe. Why? Because she is a fangirl. And Uchiha Sasuke hates fangirls.

Sasuke mentally rolled his eyes. Sakura rubbed her flat chest to one of the arms of the dark-haired CEO and Sasuke instantly felt sick. He shoved Sakura to get off him with all his might that the secretary lost her balance and landed butt first on the floor.

"Ittai...." the pinky mumbled, moaning in obvious pain while rubbing her sore back. "Sasuke-kun, stop being so mean!!!" Sakura said as she whipped her head towards Sasuke, eyes brimming with tears. Sasuke only eyes her impassively. He would never  ever care if she would jump up from the top floor of the building just to prove her undying love for him.

"Go out. I don't want to see your face ever again. You're fired." Sasuke said monotonously. "But Sasuke-kun you can't—" the fangirl tried to reason out. "Yes I can. Afterall, I'm the CEO." a devilish smirk was decorated in his face. Sakura then sobbed and ran out of the room. Sasuke can't help but to smile. His number 1 stress maker is already gone. Today is surely the best day he had after years.

Little did the young Uchiha know, someone saw what entirely happened from the very start and that someone is ready to find a perfect candidate to be the next secretary and hopefully the last one.


Uzumaki Naruto is having a very bad day.

A very, very bad day.

Why? First of all, he woke up because of the loud banging at his front door. He opened the door only to see the landlady of his apartment. She told him the very bad news. The rent of his apartment will be tripled.

Where would he find such vast amount of money?

Next up, Naruto was doing his job as a waiter. He was doing his regular taking of orders and servings then there came that accident. He was holding tons and tons of dishes in his two hands then a lady suddenly bumped him. Of course, the dishes in his hands flew and the crashings of plates was heard. Naruto was fired by his boss on the spot.

Now where would he find a job and that vast amount of money for his apartment?

Lastly, he was walking down the street towards his favorite ramen shop, the Ichiraku's, when a boy suddenly grabbed his wallet. Naruto ran in a mad dash, successfully grabbing the boy but the thief slipped away from his grasp and sprinted to the nearest alleyway.

He was robbed.


Such a bad day indeed.


Naruto is currently walking home, bangs covering his eyes. Deep inside, he felt mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness. Considering what happened earlier, he could not help but to be hopeless. Too many questions are already running in his head.

'What will I do? I became job-less  and now, I don't have any penny left on me. What will happen next? Be homeless?' With that thought in mind, Naruto then laughed bitterly. Today is really not a lucky day for him. It's like Naruto lost all his good luck and suddenly bad omen poured like rain down on him.

Naruto came across a park and decided to stop by for a moment to rest. (Well, Author-chan wants to rest too but she can't... Just for your sake.)  He needed to calm himself down before he totally lose his rationality. He knows he needs to accept the things that happened today, whether good or bad. Speaking of what happened earlier, he blinked back tears as he thought about being homeless. He doesn't want to be homeless once again.

Naruto is brought out of his musings when a hand touched his left shoulder from behind. Whipping his head towards the owner of the hand, he's been greeted by a handsome man in his early thirties. The said man have coal black hair, pale skin and deep black eyes. The stranger is the first one to talk. "Hello there. Having a rough day?"

Naruto nodded his head. He doesn't know why he's answering this complete stranger yet he supposed it's not a bad idea.

"Oh. I forgot to tell my name." the other man said. "My name is Uchiha Itachi." Naruto is shell-shocked. He is talking to an Uchiha!! He then heard a deep chuckle. "Don't laugh at me!!" Naruto shouted, turning deep red in embarassment. 'How cute.' Itachi thought.

"Speaking about names, I still haven't gotten yours." Itachi said. "Oh yes!! Sorry!!" Naruto smiled sheepishly. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto!! Better remember that!!" The older of the two nodded then smiled but in his head, Demon Itachi is cackling.

'Ohhhh, I would definitely remember that Naruto-kun because you will be my precious gift to my otoutō. You're just his type.' Demon Itachi wore a sinister smirk, horns growing longer every second.

Beeps coming from a car was heard around the park. Turning his head to the sound, Itachi saw his driver coming out of the car. He turned back to Naruto.

"I think this is a goodbye then." He said. They exchanged goodbyes and the Uchiha walks away. After a few steps, Itachi came back to Naruto. "Here." Naruto accepted the business card. "I would like to hire you as a secretary for my brother. You will start next week, Monday to be exact at 8:00am."

And with that, Itachi was gone. Naruto peeked at the business card presented to him. He smiled and gazed up to the starry night.

Welps, today is not that bad afterall...


Word Count: 1305

A.N.: Hello guys!!! This is the first chappie of FFMO aka Falling for my Opposite. I hoped you liked it. And thanks ArcXys for agreeing with me that Sakura is a bitch/poison.

Please support me guys. If this story or chapter have 6 or more votes and 5 or more comments I will update earlier because I would definitely update once a week. So please support me guys and give me tons of love!! Comment below on the comment box guys and don't forget to vote!!! R&R!!!

And ohh before I forgot I'm still hiring book cover makers!!! Please I'm begging you guys!!! Please.....please *sobs* I need you *sobs louder*

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