Chapter 2

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Sasuke is seated in his beautiful black swivel chair. He groaned in annoyance once he remembered he fired his secretary. He needs to find someone that is willing to hunt him some possible candidates to be hired as the next secretary.

He snapped his eyes shut and decided to relax for a bit. Sasuke fluttered them open once again and stared off to space. Then something clicked in the mind of the young Uchiha. He quickly grabbed his phone and fixed his gaze to the black screen.

He knows just what to do. Call Itachi.

As if on cue, Sasuke's demon-of-a-brother walked in the office that made the younger one startled at the sudden arrival.

"Hello, otoutō." Itachi greeted. Sasuke sighed before saying, "Itachi. I was just supposed to call you." The older of the two just smiled and walked towards a couch, plopping down to the seat.

"So now that I'm here already, what do you want to talk about?" the eldest asked. "I want you to find me a suitable person to be secretary." Sasuke said bluntly. "Oh as straightforward as ever, dear brother." Itachi wore a smirk on his face.

"About the hiring of a secretary, I already found and hired someone suitable for the job." Itachi's smirk had grown bigger and wider once he saw Sasuke's eyes widen a bit.

"How did you know about it?" the young Uchiha glared at his brother. "Well, I've heard it." Itachi shrugged but smiled knowingly at Sasuke. "It's just yesterday I. FIRED. THAT. BITCH. HOW. DID. YOU. KNOW??!!" Sasuke heatedly said, putting emphasis on every word.

"Unless....." the smirk was back on Itachi's face and he didn't bother to continue his words, knowing his brother will be the one to finish it.

"Unless...." Sasuke copied his brother's words, his thoughts running 100 miles per second and the gears inside his head is spinning madly. Sasuke widened his eyes once he knew the answer.

"You eavesdropped." Then there was silence in the room. Sasuke stared at Itachi impassively and Itachi smiled before breaking the silence. "Bingo." The older Uchiha looked at his brother smugly.

Sasuke sighed once again. He never thought that his brother can do such things but well surprise, Itachi did. Remembering something he said, "So you already hired me someone without my consent?" Itachi raised an eyebrow.

"Why yes." he shortly replied. Sasuke fought the urge to roll his eyes at the comment.

"I want to know who is this person you're talking about. Including everything about him or her." Sasuke demanded to his brother. "Very well then." The other one stated before pulling out a folder out of nowhere and handed it out to Sasuke. Sasuke blinked a few times before staring at Itachi then back to to the folder on his desk.

"Surprised, otoutō?" teases Itachi. Sasuke tried not to blush in embarassment. Oh, let the Author rephrase that. Sasuke tried but failed to hide his blush of embarassment. When his brother saw the blush, he couldn't help but to chuckle lightly.
A 'Hn' was all Sasuke can say. He is back to his cold and emotionless mode. Mainly because he is already serious and down to the business and Itachi knew that.

Sasuke picked up the folder that was previously placed down on his desk. He opened it and Sasuke quickly lost his entire composure. He found himself staring at the large printed picture of a young, very young in Sasuke's opinion, man with sunshine yellow hair that looks so smooth. Ocean blue eyes that that even in the picture, never lost it's depth and natural beauty. That tan skin and pink, plump lips that is begging Sasuke to kiss and touch and mark– 'waitwaitwaitwait. What the hell am I thinking?!' Inner Sasuke rambled.

"I see that he has caught your eye." Itachi commented with that goddamn smirk of his again in his face. "Hn. His name?" Sasuke said before calming himself after seeing such attractiveness and cutene–'what the fuck?!' Inner Sasuke yelled.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Sasuke trailed his eyes towards the file and stopped once he saw the name of the guy.

It reads, 'Uzumaki Naruto.'

'I think I'll call him Naru-chan.' Sasuke thought with a smile. "Ahem." a voice startled him and turned to see Itachi still there. "Don't daydream a person you haven't met yet." Itachi stood up and said, "I'll be going." He walked towards the door and he is gone. Itachi is gone. For now.

Sasuke stared at the door for a few minutes before grinning madly to really no one. Suddenly, the door opened and Itachi popped up. Sasuke sat up straight. "Oh, I forgot. He will start next week, Monday at 8:00am." and with that, Itachi vanished in thin air.

Sasuke smirked while gazing at his Naru-chan's picture. Oh how he can't wait for next week.


Naruto is seated on the couch that is inside his small yet homey apartment. He is staring dazely at the ceiling, his thoughts drifting to the hiring yesterday. He sighed deeply, not knowing what to do. To top it all, Uzumaki Naruto, the hyper active blonde, is bored. (Do you know that Author-chan is also bored the hell out of her mind?)

Naruto laid down to the couch and closed his eyes, sleeping instantly. After a few minutes, his phone rang and he jolted up awake, rubbing his still sleepy eyes.

Looking at his phone, he saw that the call is from an unknown number. Naruto remembered his mother telling him not to answer calls from unknown numbers yet he felt like answering. Afterall, the don't-talk-to-strangers rule is already broken when he talked to Itachi.

Naruto picked up the call a few minutes later and a familiar voice filled his ears. "Why did it took you so long before answering my call?" Itachi said from the other line, his voice giving off slight annoyance. "Ah. I didn't know it was you, Itachi-san." Naruto reasoned but still apologized.

"It's fine but now that you know my number, I expect you to answer my calls immediately." The oh-so demanding voice said sternly. "Okay." is Naruto's simple reply.

"By the way, Why I called is because of the hiring." Then there was silence in both lines. "I told Sasuke about you and he agreed about it. You're completely hired. Congrats." Naruto can feel that Itachi's smiling on the other side of thr phone based on his tone. "YES!!!" Naruto cheered but stopped.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked, dumbfounded. "Yes. He is the CEO of Uchiha Corp. and my younger brother if you don't know." Itachi explained. "A-are you sure about h-hiring m-me?" the blonde stuttered. "Yes. And even if you want to back down now, sorry to say, you can't. Goodbye." Before Naruto could say anything, Itachi already hanged up on him.

Naruto placed down his phone to the table across and laid back down to the couch. He still can't believe of what he just heard.

Him? Be a secretary? Of course he can.

But to be hired as the new secretary for THE Uchiha Sasuke of Uchiha Corp? Naruto still doesn't know if he can.

And to be in the same office as the heartthrob of Japan? Hah. He feels like he will melt like a popsicle. To see a handsome face everyday is a dream of many. Of course, also him.

Well Naruto can wait for next Monday. Maybe his life will change for the best


Word Count: 1262

A/N: Hey guys!! 2nd chapter of Falling for my Opposite is up!!!~ Please enjoy this chapter!!! You know guys... I created this story only for fun so I'm sorry if it's soo crappy. Love you guys for reading this. May my love reach you all~

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