Chapter 3: First days

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Bree! What the hell? We're gonna be late!" Camile screeched into my ear and I jumped out of bed, falling onto the floor face first. 

What now? Can't she see I'm sleeping. I groaned and looked up to see my sister standing above me. I could tell by the way she put her hands on her hips that she was angry, but I really don't give a damn. Rubbing my eyes I stood up to match her height. 

"Why...the hell...did you wake me up?" I frowned, looking at her who was already dressed for school.

"School starts at 8.30am," she began to say, "Right now it's… 8.10am."

"So?" I asked, already dragging her out of my room,"It's not like we're gonna be late or anything." 

"It takes 20 minutes to drive to school," Camile said as I continued dragging her.

"And I will be ready in less than 10," I sighed and she spoke again as I slammed the door in her face. That's for waking me up so early.

"I'll help you with your breakfast. And Bree, wear one of the shirts I got you yesterday," she said and I groaned, loud enough for her to hear through the door, "Please?" She added. 

"Fine," I sighed. It was the least I could do for her since she's helping me with breakfast.

In 8 minutes I was already walking down to the kitchen. I wore one of the shirts Camile got me–a white off-shoulder shirt– and a pair of dark blue jeans. My hair was tied in a messy ponytail and around my neck, that same metal-chain necklace which I hid under the shirt so no one would really notice. I didnt really care about what I wore. The only thing I knew was that jeans go with any shirt.

Camile handed me the nutella sandwich that was in a container and I packed it into my bag.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She left the house early this morning. One of her old coworkers called her. She said she'd be back by this afternoon." my sister answered, getting the car keys from the cabinet, "Let's go." 

"That's weird," I muttered, slipping on my converse shoes and grabbing my bag before running after my sister who had already started the car. Mom had never spoken of her coworkers ever since we moved. So why now?


Camile didn't say a word as she drove us to school. I was no mind reader but I could tell she was mad. She had never been late for anything before, well until today. I guess there really is a first time for everything. Getting out of the car and locking it, she checked her phone, "Shit." I heard her mutter before running off, leaving me on my own. Thanks for ditching me! 

Note the sarcasm. I guess this is just karma for waking up late.

I don't even know where any of the classrooms are. I hate not knowing things. Now I have to ask people for help. Whoopee. I sighed as I took out my timetable which also stated the classrooms. I guess I have to scope this place myself. 


The sound of my footsteps echoed through the empty hallways. I adjusted the position of my bag on my shoulder as I continued walking to find the classroom for English class. After a few minutes I saw a black-haired guy standing near one of the lockers. He looked like he was around my level and seeing that I was already so late, I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and that's when I saw his hazel coloured eyes. 

"Um hi, I'm new. Do you know where Room 257 is?" I asked awkwardly, showing him my timetable as I pointed to the room number. I hated talking to people. They take too long to respond.

He looked at the paper for a second before stepping back and looking at me up and down a few times. What's he doing? I asked him where a room was not how I looked this morning? I saw him bite his lip as he slowly nodded–for no apparent reason. Thai is exactly why I didn't like talking to people. I was about to leave when he spoke. 

"Are you sure you want to go to that classroom?" he asked, taking a step towards me and I had no idea what he meant, "Why don't we both skip class and go somewhere else? Like maybe the parking lot or the back seat of my car. No one would really know if we're there." 

I did not say anything for a moment. What the heck? Back seat of his car? Who in the right state of mind would want– what the hell. I turned to run, but before I could do so, he pushed me against the lockers, I gritted my teeth as my back hit the metal with a loud bang. He straightened his back to his full height and placed his hands beside my body, trapping me. I tried to move his hands away but they wouldn't budge. Not showing any fear I straightened my back and tilted my head to look at his face. His stupid little face. 

"Fuck. Off," I seethed, my eyes flashing. He has no idea what I can do. I took in a sharp intake of breath as a familiar prickly sensation engulfed me, rising up from the tip of my toes to my upper body. But the moment the sensation reached my chest, it disappeared‐ completely. Shit, I suddenly remembered, the necklace.

"Make me," he challenged, snapping me out of my thoughts. I had just about enough. An idea to escape came to mind but it included violence and I didn't want it to end that way. If I used violence, I might go too far and possibly get expelled. And when you're trying to keep a low profile, it's best to just blend in and not be known as the random girl who got expelled on her first day. He started to move closer to me. So close I could feel his warmth as he breathed. Suddenly, I heard another voice. 

"What are you two doing? The bell rang 12 minutes ago," I turned to see a dark-skinned boy. He wasn't very tall but just quite skinny. The black haired boy turned to face him and I could see him turn pale. If he can't help me, violence it is. With him distracted, I kneed the black haired guy between his legs and he screamed as he collapsed onto the floor. Turning to the dark-skinned boy, I gestured for him to run as I did the same. Neither of us looked back, for the sake of our safety. I caught up with him and after we were far enough, we both stopped to catch our breath. 

"I have never seen anyone do that to Luke before," the guy laughed, still panting. 

"Who?" I asked, "Sorry I'm new here."

"And to think he tried to do you on your first day," the guy straightened up as he laughed, "How did it happen anyway?" 

"Well I tried to ask that guy for directions to my class but um yeah you saw what happened there."

"Ouch," the guy said as he put his hand out for me to shake, "I'm Leo, by the way."

"Breanne," I took his hand and shook it, "But just call me Bree. It's shorter."

"Nice, anyway do you still need to find your classroom?" he asked.

"Yeah it's Room 257."

"Hey that's where I'm headed too," Leo exclaimed, "For English right?" I nodded and he grinned. 

A/N: Hey guys I'm back. I hope you all liked the chapter and remember to vote thank you :D

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