Chapter 6: Coincidence or Fate?

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Okay guys I am very sorry I havent updated this book in quite some time 😅 so I hope u guys like this chapter and please remember to comment and vote if you like it :D

I pointed to the equation in Tessa's book, "So after that just simplify, round off to 3 significant figures and you'll get x= 8.41." I gave her back her pencil.

She stared at the book for a moment before turning to me, "How do you even know how to do this? It's not going to be taught until next year! And how did you calculate so fast? And without a calculator?" she exclaimed, "You are like some Math prodigy or something."

"Oh uh the calculation was obvious and I study really ahead," I rubbed the back of my neck as I rushed through my words.

Tessa slowly nodded and got back to her work. I let out a small sigh of relief. Pulling out my phone, I checked the time– 5.43pm. The tryouts are ending soon. I started to pack my things.

Tessa looked up, "Why are you packing up already."

"It's almost 5.45, my sister should be done soon," I simply replied and Tessa's eyes widened.

"It's almost 5.45! Oh God I lost track of time," she facepalmed, checking her phone as well, "Well we both better start packing up."

"I already finished," I motioned to my bag as I slung it over my shoulder and slowly walked away.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait for me!" she called out, zipping her bag. I walked faster, trying bu best to hold a laugh when Tessa almost fell off the bleachers. 

"Who are you waiting for though? You never told me," I asked her when she finally caught up with me.

"Oh it's almost no one. Um I was just waiting for my b–" Tessa was cut off when I heard someone shout my name. 

Turning around I saw Camile waving at me and I ran to her. 

"I'm on the team!" she squealed and my eyes lit up. 

"Of course you were!" I exclaimed, "You're an awesome cheerleader."

"Thanks Bree," she looked at her phone, "We'd better head back home. It's going to be dark soon." 

Camile ran to get her bag which apparently was in the gym. I stood there awkwardly as I waited for her to come back. The footballers had just finished their training as well and most of them were flirting with the cheerleaders. Looking around, I caught a glance of the boy at the lockers– Luke I think was his name. He and some of his buddies were flirting with 3 of the cheerleaders. My heart started beating faster when he spotted me. He stopped talking to them and started to walk in my direction. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I need to get out of here. I was about to turn around and walk away when I hit a wall, falling hard on my butt. Wait no nevermind it's not a wall, more like a person. The person turned around and I didn't dare look at his face. The guy's probably super mad right now. 

"I'm so sorry I um I, I didn't see you there and I uh accidentally bumped into you," I brushed the dirt off my jeans and stood up. When I heard a deep chuckle, I stopped. I'm trying to apologise and he laughed. Laughed! Oh, of course I forgot! The most polite thing to do when someone is apologising is to laugh! How stupid of me! I looked up at the boy but when I tried to speak, I felt as if my words were stuck in my throat. Out of all the people I could run into why must it be–

"Hello Babydoll." 


jkjkjk the chapter's wayyy too short lol. It's barely 500 words. 🤣🤪

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. 

"Surprised?" Tyler added.

I crossed my arms as I pushed past him, "Not the good kind."

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around, "Are you sure about that?" He smirked and I tensed up. When I realised he was still holding on to my wrist, I smirked back. In a swift movement I twisted my arm and grabbed his wrist. I then twisted it and pulled him lower so he was the same height as me. Caught off guard, he jerked forward, his ocean blue eyes widening when he realised how close his face was to mine.

I cocked my head to one side, "Positive." I let go of his wrist and straightened up. He started to massage his wrist and I laughed a little when it turned red. Maybe I went a little too far. I had started to walk away when he spoke again.

"By the way that throw you did back there," he smiled, "That was pretty impressive."

I smiled a little and he chuckled, "That smile is way prettier than all the fake ones you gave me at the arcade yesterday." 

My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks flush a little.

"Blushing already? You really don't meet much guys dont you?" Tyler laughed and my smile turned into a frown as I rolled my eyes for like the millionth time today. Just when I thought he could be a nice person he has to ruin it with his cocky and annoying personality.

"Bree?" I turned around to see Tessa, "Phew I thought I lost you in the mini crowd. What are you…" She saw Tyler and her face completely changed from a joyful one to a weird emotionless one as she started to glare at him. She turned to look away as she bit her lip. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Why is she so mad? I turned to Tyler who only gave her a confused look. 

"Oh I was just talking to Tyler," I quickly explained emotionlessly, "I accidentally bumped into him earlier."

"Hey s–" Tyler gave a little wave.

"Tessa," she interrupted, letting out her hand for him to shake, "I'm Tessa. Nice to meet you."

Hesitantly he let out his own hand and shook hers. After shaking, Tessa wiped her hand onto her skirt– like he had some sort of contagious disease or something. After that, neither of them said anything to each other. The way Tessa was glaring at Tyler was as if he had taken the last cookie in a cookie jar. I could tell Tyler was just mentally and physically confused with his eyes glancing back at the ground every few seconds. And I was very uncomfortable with the energy they created over these 23 seconds. I bit my lip as I slowly started to walk away when I felt someone pull my wrist.

Okay okay okay I gotta admit this chapter was pretty short. The word count is around 1050 words in total. rip. I will write more for the next chapter, promise. But for now, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I mean like we got to see Tyler again. And some weird tension btwn Tessa and Tyler. Any thoughts on why they were acting so weird around each other? Leave some in the comments I love reading them XD

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