Chapter 4: Friends and Foes

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The door creaked a little as Leo pushed it open to reveal a class of about 15 students and a teacher who looked like she was in her mid 30s. Giving me a reassuring smile, Leo headed towards his seat and sat down. I could feel the stares of everyone as the teacher asked me to stand at the front of the classroom. I bit my lip. 

"So it seems that we have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself, dear?" the teacher asked me, a warm smile on her face. 

"No," I muttered and a few people in the class started to laugh. I had a choice to not say anything right? Or else why would she give me a choice? She stared at me for a moment before gesturing me to a seat at the back, "You can call me Ms Evans."

I quickly went to my seat and sat down as Ms Evans told the class some announcements. As I rested my head on the table, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a fair-skinned girl. She had wavy blonde hair and electric blue eyes. She wore large, black rimmed spectacles that reminded me of the ones used by Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter.

"Where did you get that shirt?" she asked and I thought it was pretty random. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I love the shirt. I just wanted to know where you got it." she asked again and I laughed, a little relieved.

"My sister bought it for me. But just so you know, this is not much of my style. I would wear hoodies every day if I could," I chuckled, motioning to my shirt.

"I would do the same. Hoodies are so comfortable. But I would probably get teased if I wore one so, yeah," her gaze fell to the ground, "It's best not to."

I only nodded. I did not know what else to say. We stayed there in silence awkwardly. Am I supposed to say something? Is this how a conversation works? What are some conversation starters? I looked back at Tessa and she gave me a little smile. Does she think I'm awkward for staring? God, I'm really bad at th–

"I'm Tessa if you're wondering," she grinned, breaking the silence.

"I'm Breanne, but you can call me Bree if you want ."

"Nice. Can I see your schedule? I want to see if we have any classes together," I gave it to her and she pumped her fist in the air, "We have Lunch together and after that we have History last period. I can even show you around the school later if you like?"

"Sure. That would really help me." I smiled. On the inside I wondered why she was being nice to me. She didn't even know me. Is she trying to gain my trust, then stab me in the back? Is this some way people try to find my weakness? I cleared away all my negative thoughts on Tessa. I kept forgetting things work differently now that I'm going to a regular school. I didn't want to trust her, but I could not just tell her that. 

She gave me a thumbs up and I gave her a smile- the most genuine one I could. 


Me and Tessa talked for a while during the class about random questions like if I preferred yogurt to ice cream. Random stuff like this distracted me a little but I didn't mind. Whatever the teacher is teaching now, I learnt it many years ago. So I guess a little distraction would not affect my grades too much.

 I already learnt most of these topics a long time ago. The teacher gave us homework and I completed all of it during class. What? I like to stay productive. Anyway, after that I went to third period which was Literature and took a seat at the back of the class. I never really enjoyed doing Literature much. The only thing that kept me motivated the whole lesson was the fact that Lunch was next. 

"So to end off with today's lesson, I want all of you to look at this quote," the teacher, Mr Lee said as he wrote the words 'my mind is a prison' on the board, "Can anyone give an interpretation of this quote? Like what do you think the person was feeling when he said this? There are no wrong answers. I just want to see what you all think."

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