Chapter 7: I had one job

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I did not look at the person's face. If I did I probably would have slapped the idiot across the face. Ever since I moved here, all people do is pull my wrist and I swear it's the most annoying thing. Like is their goal to try and dislocate it?  First it was Tyler. Then Tyler again and now whoever this person was. Some people don't want to be touched or manhandled by anyone. Okay that sounds wrong. The next time someone pulls or even touches my wrist, I will not hesitate to break their wrist. 

The person pulled me to the back of the bleachers and let go of my hand. Annoyed, I turned around. It was a group of girls. All of them were wearing the cheerleading uniform They seemed really familiar. Then was when I realised. The girls at the cafeteria. I facepalmed. It was annoying the first time I met her and now I have to talk to her again. I was about to open my mouth but the brunette beat me to it.

"Stay away from him," she glared at me and I raised an eyebrow. I was about to speak again but another of the girls spoke.

"Yeah stay away from him," the blonde parotted. 

I shook my head as if to clear all the confusion, "Wait I'm confused. Who are we talking about?"

"Don't act dumb you slu–" the brunette raised her voice but was interrupted by the blonde again.

"Yeah don't act dumb," the blonde parotted again, earning a glare from the brunette. 

"We're talking about Tyler," the brunette spoke again, frustrated.

"Yeah Tyler," the blonde parroted again and I rolled my eyes.

"I do not like Tyler," I raised my voice, emphasising on the word 'not'. Honestly I was offended. How dare they associate me with that asshole. The brunette scoffed as she went closer to me.

"Puh-lease we saw the way you tried to gain his attention," the brunette argued as she looked at her perfectly manicured nails, "Not impressed by the way."

"Yeah we all saw," the blonde tried to copy the brunette, "Not impressed."

"Shut up Emily!" the brunette snapped at her making me jump a little.

"Yeah shut up Em– oh sorry, Sienna" she apologised to the brunette before stepping back to the rest of the group.

Sienna took a deep inhale of breath before turning back to me. People had already started gathering around us, some taking out their phones to record the scene of the mean girls tearing apart the new kid like predators do with their prey. To be honest I didn't m care if this Sienna girl tore my ego or ruined my non-existing reputation. What I was really afraid of…..was the phones recording me. My every words… face. Oh god. I cannot be seen on the Internet. I need to get out of here.

"Look, I'm trying to be nice here," she snapped me out of my thoughts, "Tyler doesn't want to hang out with an outcast so you better stay the fuck away from him–"

"Are you bloody deaf? I already told you. I do not like Tyler. He's a pain in the ass, just like you. And judging by his looks, I don't think you're the only girl that likes him. So before you go barking up the wrong tree, I suggest you check your sources correctly and please just fuck off. I have better ways to spend my time than talking to a boy-obsessed sorority girl," I cut her off, taking a step away from her.

"Listen up whore. You are a terrible liar. Just promise you won't speak, think or even go near him!" she grabbed my arm, stopping me before I could run away- she was lucky to grab my arm and not my wrist this time or I wouldn't hesitate to fulfill my promise. Shrugging it off, I turned to leave but her stupid henchmen cornered me like a wall blocking any means of escape. I felt the same prickly sensation I felt when I was dealing with that Luke guy at the lockers, rising up from the tip of my toes to my upper body. But just like the last time, the moment the sensation reached my chest, it disappeared. I bit my lip as I looked around for an escape route. Time was running out and I had to think of something quick.

“Hey! What are you doing?” I heard a voice shout. I knew that voice anywhere and I never felt happier. The person shoved through the human wall and stood beside me.

“I don’t know who the fuck you are but-” the person cut Sienna off.

“I’m Breanne’s sister,” Camile drawled, straightening her back.

“Well whoever you are, I'm trying to deal with something right now so you can talk to her later,” Sienna rolled her eyes at Camile, “Run along now, bitch.”

I felt my blood boil. She can do whatever she wants to me- shout at me, call me names- but calling my sister a bitch crosses the line. I was about to lunge out at her but Camile stopped me and shook her head. Fighting these girls would do nothing but make matters worse. And if I wanted to get out of here quickly, I was going to have to control my temper no matter how much I hate her.

“Look, Breanne and I have to get going so no I will not wait,” Sienna opened her mouth but Camile didnt give her a chance, “And yes I know who you are, Sienna Hyde, daughter of the principal but do I look like I give a damn? Me and Breanne are going now. I am a junior which gives me more authority than a sophomore. So I don't need to ask for your permission. Good day."

Camile grabbed my wrist and walked out and none of those girls tried to stop us. We didn't stop until we reached her car and we immediately drove home. The way she gripped the steering wheel and ignored me when I tried talking to her, created this weird feeling in my stomach. I had one job: Sont make any enemies. I was just supposed to lay low and I blew it. I don't know if my face was in those videos that those other people took but if it was, I was definitely screwed.

Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in quite a long time. My phone was confiscated so I'd spend more time studying. I got my phone back for the day and wrote this story update. I'll have to give my phone back tomorrow so high chance i won't update until near the end of the me. After my exams i will continue writing and updating. But until then yea i wont be so active on wattpad. I hope u guys aint very mad at me for this 😔

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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