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A week had passed since the Avengers had tried to speak to Natasha, who didn't say a word to a single one of them or even her children for that matter. However one day there was a knock on the door Natasha of course was mourning and didn't answer the door Sarah opened it but was confused, there was a tall blonde woman standing at the door. "Hello?" She said confused and a little worried she had never seen this person before. "Hello sweetie." The woman replied. "Can you get your mother please I want to talk to her." She smiled. "Sarah was hesitant as she had no idea about who she was but eventually called her mother to the door, Natasha sighed as she made her way downstairs before gasping at who was in front of her it was Sharon Carter. Natasha of course had barely spoke a word for 5 years so she couldn't come to terms that she was there. "Oh man they were right it's horrible..." She looked down. "May I come in?" She asked hopeful with Natasha simply nodding as Sharon let herself into the Rogers residence.

"So Natasha I'm really sorry about your loss..." She said looking at her sadly, she knew how much Steve meant to her, however the mere mention of her deceased husband caused Natasha to sob tears escaping her eyes going down her face. "I'm sorry Natasha I really am." Sharon said sadly, she was Natasha's best friend along with Clint during her Shield days so the least she could do was try and help her through what was the hardest time in her life. Natasha looked over at her still sobbing and mourning before the children walked into the room playing. "Mama who's this?" James said confused. "Yeah we haven't ever seen her before have we James." James responded by shaking his head to agree with Sarah.

"I'm Sharon." She said looking over at the 2 children. "I'm your mothers best friend." She said smiling softly. "And you are Sarah and James?" Sharon said looking over at them the 2 children responding with nods. "Why haven't you come to see us before then?" Sarah said confused. "Well..." Sharon said before sighing softly. "I wasn't here for 5 years and when I came back I found out your daddy had given his life for the world." She sighed softly, the mere mention of this caused Natasha to produce more tears then before. "And then I was captured by somebody but luckily your uncle Bucky and uncle Sam rescued me." She smiled. "But I didn't know about your mother being this upset I'm so sorry Natasha if I'd have known sooner I would've been here." She looked down, Sharon felt as if she had let her best friend down. "No no aunty Sharon." Sarah said looking at her. "You came now and you've shown you care about mom so I'm sure she's happy about that." She said reassuring Sharon. "Aunty?" Sharon said looking confused. "It's what we call all of mom and dads friends aunty and uncle and you were mama's best friend so you deserve it." Sharon smiled over at the 2 children hugging them.

Natasha then tried to speak however her voice croaky due to barely speaking for 5 years. "Sharon..." She said weakly. "Thank you for coming..." She said looking over at her standing up. "I've missed you..." She said looking down. "And I'm glad that you've tried to help me feel better." She said standing up walking over to her hugging her best friend. "Oh Natasha it's the least I could do especially since all we've been through together with Shield." She said hugging back hoping that things would be better. "Well I have to go now." She said looking over to the family. "I'll try visit more often." She smiled softly. "Bye Sharon..." Natasha said watching her walk out of the door before sighing softly to herself, while Sharons visit had been somewhat helpful Natasha was still sad and mournful about Steve she hugged her children before putting them to sleep sighing softly once more as she looked up at the late night sky watching the stars sobbing to herself once more. "I miss you Steve..." She said quietly to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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