A Game of Water

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Cancer was stood in the middle of a vast room, with no recollection as to how she got there. It was about the size of a football field, with walls that seemed to emit a bright white light. Her head was groggy as if she had just woken up, but she couldn't remember when she had been sleeping. She noticed two people were with her. A short, dark haired and pale skinned boy, and a slightly older teen with silvery blonde hair and a muscular build. Her fellow patients and friends: Pisces and Scorpio.

Scorpio came to his senses first, "What are we doing here?" He asked, turning towards her.

Cancer shook her head, equally confused, "I'm not sure."

"And how did we get here?" Pisces added.

They all exchanged looks. Something was very off. The last thing Cancer could remember was being led out of the common room after lunch to go to therapy. But because she couldn't remember what actually happened during therapy...

"Maybe there's a door we can walk out of." Scorpio suggested.

"If they put us in here, they want us for a reason..." Pisces mused.

Cancer scanned the room, looking for anything that gave away what they would be doing there. The walls were completely bare, and there didn't even seem to be a door.

"What if we-" She started, before being cut off by a low rumbling in the ground.

Cancer stood frozen to the spot, as were Pisces and Scorpio. "We don't get earthquakes around here..." Pisces said in a small voice.

From the next to her, a sharp, jagged rock spike erupted from the ground, and would have impaled her if not for Scorpio's quick reflexes. He shoved her out of the way, making her land hard on her knees.

"Cancer!" Pisces yelled as he ran next to her and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?"

Cancer looked at her bruised knees. They stung, but it was better than being impaled. She nodded and looked at the pointed rock jutting out of the previously smooth and polished floor. The tiles were cracked and dust littered the area around it.

"Thanks, Scorpio." She said once the shock had subsided.

Scorpio shrugged it off, "No worries."

"What was that thing?" Pisces muttered.

Before Cancer had the chance to reply, there was another rumbling sound. Scorpio seemed to be the only one with enough resistance to fear to move. He grabbed Cancer and Pisces by the arms and dragged them away from the spike. On the spot they had been moments before, a wall of black rock broke through the ground, and send flying debris into the air. Cancer did her best to dodge it, but a sharp piece of tile grazed her shoulder. It was surprisingly painless, but she was so used to cuts that she was numb to them now.

"Are they trying to kill us?!" Pisces shouted. His voice trembled.

Cancer tried to calm her breathing, "They would have killed us earlier! And how is that even possible?" She pointed at the ever growing spike of rock. "Expanding rock breaks every single law of physics!"

"Unless they're using some sort of chemical reaction using the air to produce it." Pisces told her.

"Seriously, not is not the time to go all nerdy!" Scorpio fired at them as they ducked behind a large piece of rock that had detatched itself from the larger spike.

The earth rumbled again. Cancer cursed as she tried to pin point where it could appear. So far, they had all been in the middle of the room, but it could all change. She could feel tremors at her toes. "Underneath us!" She screamed and jumped to her feet, grabbing her friends before scrambling away.

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