Chapter 14

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The thought of pregnancy had never crossed my mind at all. The signs were already there, right in front of me this whole time! Oh I am such an idiot! Puking a lot, being a little more stubborn than I usually am suggests something, and of course, the most obvious: I haven't had my 'visitor' for a while now. And of course, Sherlock can always tell when a woman is pregnant, even before she knows it herself! And he's always right, almost never wrong about these kind of things. 

Lestrade was just staring at me intently, like I was a new found species of animal that was never seen before. He was actually quite handsome for his age, not that I think he's handsome or anything. I've always liked people with salt and pepper hair. 

"Jim Moriarty knocked you" He whispered. I am going to kill him when I get home! I stood up to leave, but Lestrade held up a hand to stop me. "We're not done here." He warned in a dangerous tone. I put up both my hands and sank heavily back to my seat. 

"Now, you have to tell me, why did you go into the vault of Worth Tech? A smart girl like you wouldn't really get yourself caught like a kid with his hand in a cookie jar. I'd say you wanted to get caught. You were doing a Moriarty, like he did two years ago." Lestrade wagged his finger at me.

"Actually, I was tricked by some idiot who threatened to hurt the people I love." I said flatly. Lestrade was silent. "I suggest you do not try to deduce. You'd fail to even deduce correctly." 

At that moment, Sherrinford burst into the interrogation room, two officers trailing behind him. "Let's go." He said, pulling me up.

"What's this? She's not leaving!" Lestrade got up from his seat and angrily yelled at the officers.

"Sorry sir, but we've got orders from the government." One of them answered. Sherrinford and I walked out of the room.

"Who in the right mind would let her go?!" We heard Lestrade in the distance.


"You should thank me." Mycroft said. Sherrinford and I were sat at Mycroft's office. Sherrinford hadn't said a word since we got here. I knew he was uncomfortable with Mycroft being 'the British Government'.

"What do you want, Mikey?" I called him with our mother's nickname for him, because I knew it would annoy him. 

"I have a name. Use it." He scowled. 

"Fine. What is it that you want, that you had graced us with your help, Mycroft?" Sherrinford stifled a laugh. 

Mycroft took no heed of my sarcastic remark. "You do know that dear brother Sherlock is, regrettably, still alive." I nodded. "You will not assist Moriarty in any attempt of injuring or killing Sherlock."

"What the fuck?! No way!" I spluttered. I've cussed so much today than I have in my entire life! 

"No chance, brother." Sherrinford answered. "If we are to agree, we would be dead." 

"Sherrelyn wouldn't be dead, as she is bearing his child." 

"Oh, my god! Can you not?!" I yelled at Mycroft. I hate how both Sherlock and Mycroft knew.

"What?!" Sherrinford repeated, glaring at me. "You could've told me! I'm your brother! A better brother than Mycroft, obviously." He added.

"Not good enough in his deduction skills. Shame. You would've known." 

"I may not have the sharpest of minds, but I have the strongest of arms." Sherrinford retorted.

"Strength is no use in the long run, brother mine." 

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