Chapter 25

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I crossed my arms and went into my old bedroom, before Jim and I shared almost every night together. It was quite a long time since I was in here. I locked the door behind me so that Jim wouldn't even think of entering. I sat down on the queen-sized bed. I remembered the first time Jim and I truly met, when I was in bed, with bruises, cuts and a broken wrist. I absentmindedly rubbed my left wrist then. Where have all the years gone? How did we end up here? How did we became from enemies, to partners in crime, to lovers, and now as a married couple. It felt too fast to be real, but I knew it was as real as it gets.

Then I burst into tears. I sobbed, a million thoughts racing in my head. I have tried to make sure that I never fell into Jim's pet trap, but the truth is I was in the trap this whole time. I have been stuck in here for years, and I hate it. I hate being manipulated, I hate being played with. But when Jim does it, I felt like...I felt like I needed it. I need the thrill. I need the feel of him using me as his little pawn.

I'm so fucked up.


I must have fallen asleep on top of the covers. I jumped in surprise when I heard a knock on the door. "Jim, if that's you, I swear I will cut off all your fingers!" I growled.

"Um, actually, it's me, David." Oh. "Do you want your dinner?" It's dinner already? "I understand that you and Master Jim had a fight, and I suppose you need some time alone." His voice was so full of concern. He's such a sweetheart really. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and combed out my hair to look okay enough without David getting sick.

"Yeah, sure, thank you, David." I said, jumping up from the bed and to the door. I opened it to see David with a tray.

"I'll set it down here, shall I?" He gestured to the small table next to my bed. I nodded. He set it down carefully. Then he looked at me. "Master Jim is being very silent, in his study. He had shouted a lot just now, something about losing his 'extraordinary masterpiece'. I assumed he was talking about his work, but then he said something along the lines of 'smartass girl'. I assume he meant you?"

I let out a laugh. "I'm not exactly a total smartass. But thank you for telling me."

"I'm a little worried about him, actually. He seems worse than before." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What happened before?"

David's eyes widened. "Oh, I'm not supposed to tell you about that." I like his Scottish accent.

"Aw c'mon." I made puppy dog eyes.

"Well," There, that funny way he pronounced 'well'! "He was being extra tense, and he kept wandering into your room for no reason. But now he took this one book, that I knew he would never read, and he locked his door to read it. It baffled me, as he's not one for those kind of books."

"What book is it?" I asked, not exactly knowing which book Jim would take. Jane Eyre? No, that was boring, even for me! The Fault In Our Stars? I don't think so.

"Pride and Prejudice." Oh! Well, I did talk to him about Mr Darcy's dreamy yet intimidating demeanor. "Does he have any reason to want to read it?"

"No, it's weird for him to read that." He's more of a War and Peace guy. Well, sometimes.

"I better go." David said, backing out slowly. He gave me a small smile and then closed the door behind him. I rolled lazily on the bed. No, that won't do! I grabbed my iPod and scrolled to the songs. Ha. Thank you, Selena Gomez. My new favourite song will be The Heart Wants What It Wants. I lay down and closed my eyes, listening to the lyrics. But what intrigued me was the bridge.

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