Chapter 18

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I was staying at Baker Street with Sherlock and Sherrinford. John was staying with his serious girlfriend, Mary Morstan. I haven't heard from Jim in a month. I missed him like crazy, but I knew it was bad for me to actually even care about that jerk anymore. Well, other than the fact that I'm still bearing his child. Sherrinford's been taking me to the scans, and the tests and all. Jim hadn't showed up once. Actually, I don't think I'd wanna think of him anymore. He was, after all, still a jerk.

Sherrinford and I shared a room, although Sherlock never uses his. Well, maybe because Sherrinford absolutely refuses to leave me alone at night, 'for precaution'. Please, I know how 'overprotective' is. And it comes in the package of Sherrinford Holmes. I admit, it's nice to have someone as comfortable to sleep against as Sherrinford. He's just like a pillow, and a fluffy pillow at that. 

Mary and John came over. We hugged and exchanged the usual chat. "How's the baby?" or "You've been eating, I hope?" or "You certainly have grown!". But I noticed something off about the two of them. Mary looked like she was going to explode and John looked like he was going to vomit rainbows. Which could be really disgusting and all....

We ate some grilled cheese sandwiches (yum!) and drank some sweet tea, which was Sherrinford's answer to everything. And by everything, I mean everything. Happy, drink tea. Sad, drink tea. Pregnant, drink tea. Marriage, drink tea. Break up, drink tea. Everything is tea to him. But I secretly like his tea. He makes the best tea, actually. 

"Okay, okay, Mary, you look like you're about to explode into a unicorn or something! Spill!" I said, after we burst out laughing about Mr Spall, who lived next door to John and Mary, and his obsession with boats. We quieten down and we waited for Mary. 

Mary flushed a deep red, which was quite unusual, although not exactly rare. John was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. " you all know, John and I have been together for a year and a half." We all nodded, even Sherlock, who I think, already knows what Mary's about to say. "And we're such a cute couple." Mary giggled. 

"Hear, hear!" Sherrinford and I said. We burst out laughing. 

"Anyway, John and I had come to a decision. Something that would completely change both of our lives." 

"We're getting married." John chimed in. It took us all a second to sink in, and then the whole room was loud with the shrieks from Mary and I as we hugged each other, and the 'Congrats!' from Sherrinford. But Sherlock was quiet. He wasn't saying anything. Was he jealous? But then Sherlock got up and actually hugged John! Since when did Sherlock hug?? 

"When's the wedding?" I asked Mary. 

"We're not sure yet. But we're definitely making it a summer wedding!" Mary answered.

"Honey, I thought we were doing an April wedding!" John furrowed his eyebrows. 

I laughed and said, "Wedding plans! Who's coming? What's the theme?" 

John and Mary looked at each other. "We have no idea!" 

The rest of the evening was blurry. Mary and John went home after 8. I retreated to bed, but I wasn't sleepy yet, so I sat in bed, reading and listening to music. Sherrinford came in a bit later. "Hey." He said. I pulled my earphones out. Knowing Sherrinford, he's obviously going to say something big. 

"You can't go on like this forever." Sherrinford said. "Someday, you're going to give birth to his child, and he has to be there to see it." 

I sighed. "Does he really have to? I mean, he's obviously trying to fuck up my life again, and I can't go on another day thinking that he loves me, because he doesn't." 

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