Chapter 22

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"W-What? Jim, I..." I stammered. Is he really asking me this? Oh my god, he pulled out a small box! He opened it and revealed the most beautiful ring I've ever seen! It was Amethyst, with small diamonds framing the gem. The ring was golden, simple, but it's beautiful. There was something carved inside it. 'Partners in crime and love'. That's...

"Don't leave me hanging, darling." Jim said.

"I...yes! Oh god, yes!" We both grinned like mad people and he slipped the ring on my finger. I couldn't contain my excitement....and my grin. He stood up and kissed me, one long, hard, passionate kiss.

"My beautiful Sherry." He kissed the side of my jaw. "You're finally mine."

"When was I never yours?" I whispered. He looked right at me, his eyes a soft brown. Oh how I missed him. We kissed again. This time, he pushed me against the kitchen counter. He was pressed against me. Uncomfortable, yes, but oh, the way he felt against me! He slipped a hand under my shirt and he traced a hot path on my body. I like how tender and gentle, and soft his hands are. Well, I like every part of him. Because he's going to be my husband.


I curled up on the couch, my head rested on Jim's lap. He was slowly stroking my hair. I felt like a cat. We had planned our little weeding earlier. We didn't want to make an actual wedding, just David and us, and then we'll be off to Paris! Jim told me not to tell anyone about our marriage yet. Sherlock had texted me, asking if I was safe somewhere. I replied that I did, but I didn't say where. He might barge in and kill me. Plus I'm getting married to the guy who was once my captor. So, he might murder me twice, if that's possible.

Have I mentioned the size of my stomach? It's bigger now, and Jim's been taking me to the tests. I told Jim that we should get married before the baby comes. And I'm 4 months in. So, there's that. He said that we'll get married in the winter season, and I agreed. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with snow! Not just playing in it, I was actually researching on it, doing tests with my mini-microscope. Yes, a really small one. And a winter wedding was what I had in mind, when I dreamt of my future. 

"Sherry." Jim said my name softly. I liked the way he said my name. It's like something precious, something new, something beautiful, something that makes him stop in awe. I was lost in the daze, imagining our baby in his arms. 

"Sherry." He said it quickly, more urgent. "Sherry, get up, you're bleeding!" What?!

I sat up quickly, wincing at the sharp pain I got from going too fast. But no, the pain won't stop! It's like having period cramps. Jim's right! My grey pants were soaked with red. I forgot how much I hate seeing blood, especially my own. Wait, wait. You don't get periods when you're pregnant, right? Then it means....

"Hospital. Now." I growled at Jim, my voice dangerously low. He nodded and called for David to help me into the car.

"PANTS! I NEED PANTS TOO!" I yelled to Jim. He hurried to my room. David took my hand and we walked towards the car. Jim joined us a minute later, and David drove like a maniac to the nearest hospital.


David helped me onto a wheelchair as Jim checked us in. I'm panicking, scared. Is the baby okay? Will I be okay? What's going to happen?? I've read some books regarding pregnancy, and it seems that I'm having a miscarriage. I felt dizzy, as if I was going to faint like a Victorian lady, no offense to the Victorian ladies of course. "Hang in there, Sherry." He said in his Scottish accent. 

I made a non-committal sound as a nurse came over to us, Jim following close behind. "Follow me." She said. David wheeled me, while Jim walked beside the wheelchair, holding my hand.

We went into this room with the equipments that looked a little sinister. I was never a fan of hospitals anyway. The place is stinking with death. And you could hear the wails of the mourning relatives of the dead. It's awful. 

"Alright, Sherrelyn Holmes, correct?" I nodded, feeling a little light-headed. David and Jim were ordered to lift me up onto the bed. After they were done, and sure that I was comfortable enough, the nurse continued. 

"I'm Nurse Jackie, I'll be your nurse for now. If you need me, you can call for me." She gave me a nice smile. "The doctor will be examining you in a few minutes." She nodded and then left. I couldn't help but think of The Doctor in Doctor Who. 

"Darling, you okay?" Jim held my hand in his. I marvelled at how small my hands were, compared to his. And how it fits perfectly in his hand. I sound like I'm obsessed with hands. I'm not! 

"I just...I feel sick. And I lost our baby. And I hate hospitals." I muttered.

"Why would you hate hospitals?" Jim asked. David excused himself, claiming to get 'a snack'. Which is his way of leaving us some alone time together. Good old David! He always knows when to pop in, and when to back out! 

"I uh...I hate the way it looks like. It's like, so white, and bland. And then it's a place of death. Where people die, and the wailing of the mourning relatives can be heard over the thin walls of the hospital rooms. It makes me sick to hear the pain in their crying. It makes me wanna cry, because people lost their loved ones here." I explained. I hated hospitals. 

He was flabbergasted for a moment. "Why do you look at it in the bad way?" 

"Is there any other way to look at it?" I asked him tiredly. I need sleep. Hell, I want to sleep so badly, but the doctor should be hear any minute now. 

"Of course there is!" Jim exclaimed. "Where do babies come from?" 

"Um, the stomachs of poor ladies that got knocked up?" I poked fun at him. 

"Well, technically yes, but the answer is the hospital." As if on cue, we heard a woman groaning and moaning, literally screaming from a few rooms away from ours. Definitely a pregnant woman. In labour. 

"Okay, I get it! Blah blah, hospitals are also the place where babies are delivered in the world." I raised my hands up in defeat. Instantly I felt too tired to move. 

"A place of the living, the dead and the survivors." 

A female doctor came into the room, a clipboard in her hands. "Sherrelyn Holmes?" She inquired.

"Yep, that's me. Hello, doctor." I managed a feeble smile. 

"I'm Dr. Alice Henderson." She glanced at Jim. "You must be the father!" 

"Jim." They shook hands. For a moment I thought I saw a flicker of recognition in her eyes. But she turned her attention to me and all suspicions disappeared.

"I'm very sorry, but you had a miscarriage, which was not treated fast enough." This I know. "Your baby, is unfortunately, gone." Jim squeezed my hand tightly. I could tell in his eyes that he was deeply saddened by this piece of information. I guess he really wanted to have a mini Sherry and Jim after all.

"But...I'll be okay, right?" I asked her. 

She nodded. "You are staying here for the night, and if there's no complications, then you may be discharged tomorrow." 

"Nothing permanent happened to her?" Jim asked.

"Oh, no, it's not really normal for a pregnant woman to have any problems after miscarriage. She's fine, actually. She just needs some rest." Dr. Henderson said kindly. 

"And rest I shall have." I said, leaning back in the bed. Dr. Henderson nodded (she nods a lot) and left us together. 

Jim kissed the top of my head. "Sleep, my pet." He whispered softly.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" I said, annoyed. Well, kinda. I secretly like hearing him say it. But don't tell him that! 

"Sorry, my sweet." He said. He gave my hand a squeeze before leaving me alone in the room. Within seconds, I fell asleep. I guess that's what happens when you're pregnant. Or was. I was pregnant. A tear slid from the corner of my eye, and dropped onto the pillow. I lost my baby. 

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