Chapter 16

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"Who did this to you?" Molly asked me. she was applying some antiseptic to my wound. I tried to not wince.

I considered lying. But she deserves the truth. I made a promise to the most important woman in my life, and I'd like to keep it. "Jim."

"Moriarty?!" Her shock was evident.

"Sherry and I lived at his house for a few years now. Until yesterday. We both said equally insulting things to each other and we ended up fighting. I broke his nose."

"Good for him. He deserved it." I've never heard Molly be as spiteful as this before. I guess her time with UK's most dangerous man paid off. I wasn't jealous of Jim, but I hoped he didn't hurt her, or he'd have me to deal with.

"Why did you lie to me?" She asked me. I knew this question would come up sooner or later, but I've no answer.

"I...I lied to protect you. I lied because I was a terrible man then. If anyone knew I was Sherrinford Holmes, the master assassin, they would hurt the people I cared about. I lied because i don't want you hurt. I would never forgive myself if you were injured." She looked at me with her sad, brown puppy dog eyes.

"I could protect myself." She said softly.

"You wouldn't hurt a fly,much less a human. You'd slap someone and apologize after. So I highly doubt that." I grinned. She cracked a smile and pecked a kiss on my cheek.

"You know me too well." She was beautiful. No one saw it. No one saw the beauty she hides within. Beneath all that shyness lies a beautiful, fearless, loyal, caring woman, and it's my job to remind her of the beauty inside of her. "What would I call you? Thomas or Sherrinford?"

"Whatever, as long as you're with me." She blushed a bright red and kissed me.


I woke up on a cold, hard floor. I felt something cold and metallic around my ankle, so it means I'm chained up somewhere, probably a basement. It was dark, and I could make out some outlines, but that was all I could see.

"Good morning, Mrs Moriarty." It was that German voice again.

"I'm not really married to him, you know." I said.

"Ah, but you are bearing his child." Does the whole world know about this?!

"Yeah, so don't think of killing me, or you'll face the wrath of Jim Moriarty himself." I spat.

"I am not afraid of him." Okay, one thing scarier than dying is probably knowing that someone isn't scared of Jim. I mean, who isn't scared of him? "He is merely a man in an expensive suit. Take that away and you'd get nothing but a short, Irish lad."

"He's coming for me." I said what I hoped was true. Maybe I was just another pet to him. I probably am.

"What makes you think that?"

"I know he will."

"You're delusional. He's not coming for you, foolish girl." He said. I heard shuffling footsteps and seconds later, a door banged shut. I am chained up and hoping someone would come for me. Truly a damsel in distress.


It's been a day since Sherry went missing. I sent out some help to my Moriarty Network, but no one had responded. It was really strange.

Stupid Sherrinford broke my goddamn nose. I swear he would've died if he wasn't Sherry's brother....

"Master Jim?" David pulled me out of my reverie.

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