Chapter 5

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"I dare you to take TJ and stay down the other end of the pitch for 5minutes."

"Okay, fine by me," I say

Me and Cameron walk down to the other end of the pitch talking. when we get there we set a timer on our phones for 5 minutes.

**Cameron POV**

Me and TJ sit down and set our phones for 5 minutes. She looks so pretty right now, the sea breeze is playing with her hair. And there's perfect selfie lighting.

"Hey, do you wonna take some selfies?" I ask her,

"Yeah sure!"

In the end we take over 30 selfies I pick out one with us smiling casually and post is on Instagram.

@camerondallas; hanging out with my new friend @**$TJ$**

She looks over my shoulder and sees what I've done,

"Hey did you just post that on Instagram?"


"God dammit!" she laughs

Zzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzz.

Our phones start to buzz meaning our time is up.

We get up off the ground and she challenges me to a race. see who can get back the fastest.

"On your marks, get set, go!" TJ yells,

We sprint over to the group.turns out TJs a pretty good sprinter not as good as me though, i finish first with TJ not far behind.

"Soooooooo.. how was it?" Dani asks us,

"We took selfies and chatted." I pant.

Me and TJ sit back down and we continue with the truth or dare game.

"TJ, truth or dare?" I ask


"Okay, how many boys have you kissed?"

She looks at me and pulls a weird face, "never"

"Are you serious?" I say,

"Yes, completely."

Wow. she can't be serious. a girl like her? That can't be true, boys must be all over her! She's so beautiful, stunning I can hardly take my eyes off her. Never kissed?


When the game has finally ended.


It's 5:00 o'clock and it's starting to get dark. All of us have gone to sit near the outdoor fire-pit. and the suns nearly slipping below the horizon. we can hear the waves crashing on the shore. it's probably time for everyone to start heading home. I don't want to sound mean and got kick everyone out of my house.

As if reading my mind, Ryan gets up and stretches.

"I think it's time we all grab our stuff and head home."

Everyone starts getting up I hear mumbles of 'yeah' 'goodnight' 'seeya tomorrow'.

When I'm hugging everyone goodbye Cameron whispers in my ear,

"Goodnight beautiful,"

I kinda ignore it and continue hugging everyone goodbye. Cam seems a bit of a ladies man. That's not a bad thing, he probably says things like that to every girl he meets.

I shut the front door and pull my iPhone out of my pocket, put in my earplugs and walk upstairs. I change into a pair of navy sweatpants, a California soccer union shirt. I go into the bathroom and take off my mascara. I untie my ponytail plaited hair and let it fall past my shoulders. I leave the bathroom and head down stairs passing Scarlett. I walk into the kitchen and see there's 2 boxes of pizza. I select a box of meat lovers and make my way up stairs to my bedroom. I lay the pizza box on my bed and head over to my desk. My laptop is plugged in so I unplug it and carry it over to my bed.

For those who don't know I love to collect brand stickers like VANS© and ROXY®. I stick them all over all my belongings including my laptop, iPhone, mirror etc etc.

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