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They're really fun to draw

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They're really fun to draw.

So yeah this is what they look like when on all fours, which is how they normally stand and walk.

Fun fact: They're usually solid to the touch, and if you were to touch them they'd feel as fluffy as they look, but their body doesn't exactly behave like a solid. They have a certain amount of fluidity to their form, allowing for slight adjustments when swapping from quadrupedal to bipedal movements (hence the slight discrepancies between this and the previous bipedal pose). Thoughts are subject to at least mild alterations, so I thought it made sense, since they are based off of a certain frame of mind.

Also unrelated but I find it kinda funny that I'm pretty much dead to the world most of the time but whenever I update my art book it immediately catches the attention of a decent amount of people. Lol where u coming from?

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