Unexpected happiness

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The baby may be hardly a few days old when Kongpob found it at the dumpster. Honestly, on a Monday morning finding a baby on the cemented pavement, just beside a huge dustbin, was the last thing on Kongpob's plans as he was rushing to reach his office in time. Well, it is obviously not something on anyone's plans no matter which day of the week it is. But destiny played its game and Kongpob heard the soft cries of the baby, cries for a kind soul to come and save it.

Seeing all the red bumps and rashes on the infant's face, Kongpob's heart sank. All the thoughts of reaching the company or meeting the foreign investors were thrown in that same dumpster as he picked the baby up in his arms, lovingly cradling it. He decided to call Arthit. After two or three rings, a sleepy voice answered.

"Hello, phi? Phi, can you please come here with your car? I'm in front of the dumpster near our lane."

The panic in Kongpob's voice made Arthit's sleep completely disappear. "Why do you sound so panicked? Is everything okay?"

"I...uh... I found this baby thrown in the garbage. It's really small, we'll need to take it to the hospital as soon as possible. I tried to search for a taxi or a car nearby but you know how this road is almost always empty in the morning. Plus, my car is gone for servicing." Kongpob had started rambling, a habit that always surfaced whenever he was nervous.

Arthit hurriedly got up from the bed and started wearing the first pair of clothes he found in the cupboard. Brushing his teeth while simultaneously gathering his wallet and car keys, Arthit was ready to head out. " Okay, okay. I'm on my way. Don't worry," He said wearing his seatbelt. On his way, he called his uncle, Dr. Chairat, to inform him about the situation, at least the basic things he knows. It hardly took 2 minutes for Arthit to reach the place by car.

Recognizing his husband's car, Kongpob immediately made his way towards it with the baby securely held in his arms. He settled in the passenger seat as they rushed to the nearest hospital.

Once they reached, Dr. Chairat met them. He took the baby to the NCU telling Arthit and kongpob to wait outside. Kongpob explained everything to Arthit about how he found the baby while anxiously waiting in front of the NCU, waiting for someone to come and tell them about the baby's condition, for someone to assure them that the baby wouldn't leave the world just a few days after entering it.

Almost an hour later, the door opened and Dr. Chairat stood in front of them. "He is two days old baby boy. His breathing rate and and pulse are a little slow but his APGAR score is still fine. And aside from the visible marks due to insect and probably a mouse, there is no severe injury. The baby will survive but we still need to keep him on the ventilator for a few days.  Also, Arthit we need to inform the police about this."

Nodding his head, Arthit thanked his uncle. He already knew that the police will have to be involved in this but a part of him felt reluctant. Dr. Chairat patted Arthit's shoulder and left the couple alone.

Arthit had to consciously remind himself that the scene in front of him wasn't some kind of a jpeg image and kongpob had actually been sitting in front of the ventilator for the past two hours, wordlessly staring at the newborn. Slowly massaging Kongpob's surely sore neck, Arthit's eyes, too, skimmed through the various marks on the infant. And despite everything, the innocent boy was peacefully sleeping in the box made of glass, an oxygen mask attached to his little face.

Finally, two police officers came and took Kongpob's statement about when and where he found the baby. A copy of the baby's medical report was submitted while the inspector gave a copy of the fir to Arthit.

"Uh... Officer, can we still stay with him till you find his parents?"

"As long as you don't try to butcher our investigation, I don't see a reason as to why you can't stay with him," Officer Nat said with a smile.

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