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The seasons may come and go,
The winds may change
There is a void in my heart
Which is there and will remain

It hurts and hurts as I go
Leaving no way to move on,
The pillows are the only witness
To the sadness in my heart

Hopeless and soulless I feel
When I look at this piece of glass
Broken glass , which pierces my soul
But no words come out

But then I look at those people
Who are always there and remain
No matter how much I push them away
They stay to tell me it's okay

I feel suffocated within these walls
Panic rising through my heart
Sweaty hands trembling , holding the blade
Am I really going to end it all today?

Or will I rise for myself
Choose to take the path of peace
Talk to the people I trust and love
While the weight of this world tries to push me beneath

The path is hard and long
But light at the end of that path  remains,
My body and mind will someday heal
And I can finally be at peace

As I contemplate my life on that bathroom floor
I think to myself again
Am I brave enough to face this life to make it better
Or have I finally accepted my fate?

But that day, I chose the former
And threw the glass away
And all these years later, I am better
But still a long road of recovery
Remains away.

The Words Of My SoulWhere stories live. Discover now