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It had been a few days since she landed in Rivendell. After spending hours talking with the two ancient elves, they had decided having Flavia as a friend was way better than having her as a foe and came to a few arrangements.


"You are welcomed to live here as long as you wish but I must ask you to not harm any innocents in return." Lord Elrond had said seriously. She had shaken her head slightly before a serious expression took over her sharp features.
"I will not suck the life out of your people. You have my word." she had said solemnly.

"Are you willing to seal that promise with an oath?" he had demanded. She was getting irritated. Who he thought he was to underestimate her word? Had she not sworn on it? She had looked out of the window to gaze at the beauty that was Imladris and felt the urge to stay again.

She had sighed quietly and thought about it. She understood him. As a ruler he had to ensure the safety of his people before anything else. She would've done the same if a strange woman fell out of the sky to her palace and posed a threat to her people. On the second thought, she would probably just kill the woman but that was not possible in this case.

"Even though your preoccupations are understandable to me ,as I am a queen myself, you will find in the future that my word is not to be taken lightly Lord Elrond." she had replied with the slightest hint of a smile. "Shall we take that as a yes?" Galadriel had questioned.

Flavia had swallowed her pride and answered "You shall but I am afraid I am not entirely familiar with Elvish rituals." Elrond had looked at her with a cryptic smile and said "You don't need to. The fact you have accepted to take an oath leaves no room for doubt that you are not willing to suck the life out of my people."

She was taken aback by this reply but she showed no expression besides lifting her left eyebrow "You trust too easily to strangers. It may not serve you well if you make it a habit. Should I be worried for your wellbeings?"

The elves had amused expressions on their faces "Tell me, my friend, have you given us reason to doubt your words? If I fail to see some dead soldiers around me then please point them out. As for trusting strangers in the future part, I think we may count on you to warn us." their host had said.

Flavia was confused beyond measure but as she gazed at their faces she found nothing but sincerity. "Friend, huh? It has been a while since someone called me that." she had said finally.

"Does it bother you?" Galadriel had asked while filling their goblets with wine. Still baffled because of the fact they accepted her so quickly, she asked the question to herself. Did it bother her? When her brain refused to come up with a negative answer, "I can manage being called a friend but I must warn you, it may take time for me to get used to it." she had replied while trying to sound nonchalant.

The other blonde had smiled a radiant smile and raised her goblet to a toast "To our new friendship with Lady Catrinette." she said having little difficulty pronouncing her name. "Flavia Priscilla Catrinette Black." Flavia said after taking a sip of the dark liquid. The elves had looked at her questioningly. "It is my full name. My... friends don't call me 'Catrinette' or 'Lady'." she explained, the word friend still foreign to her tongue.

They had talked till the evening -which was quiet strange for Flavia- before they had finally retired for the day. A maid had shown her to her chambers upon Elrond's request. She was pleasantly surprised to find out her room was located close to royal chambers, indicating they had really confided in her.

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