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              |an overwhelming urge to run away|

She closed her eyes and gave a faint smile. It felt like she could hear the voice of her grandmother again even after all these years. But her smile didn't last long. As she opened her eyes there was a frown on her face when she looked at the portrait.

Wizard portraits could talk and move but the ones in this house couldn't even move their eyes. She had charmed them so they would be that way. She didn't use this manor much, because it held so many memories. It held so much pain. She wanted to talk with them but the guilt she felt wouldn't allow her. She had so many people's blood on her hands but only one disturbed her this much.

Heart wrenching sobs were making their way out of Élodie's mouth as her husband held her. Her sweet baby was gone. She was so young, so pure. She had never seen her mother cry, even in her father's funeral, but there she was crying silently as she was still stroking her golden head.

Tim was in shock. He had turned around when he heard the sobs of his aunt and ran over to the bed to check Flavia's pulse. Guilt washed over him as he felt none. He should've stayed with her. He should've begged her to come inside. He should've argued with her.But now she was dead because of him. Guilt was eating him alive but he still couldn't grasp the fact that she was dead.

It had happened so fast. He had left her alone for 2 hours and now she was gone forever. Just this morning she was complaining about how tight her stupid corset was. She looked so small in the middle of her bed. The black silk of the sheets made her paleness stand out more, reminding him of the fact he would never get to see her flushed cheeks after the countless hours she spent practicing with her broom.

His dear cousin, his sister was gone. He had failed to protect her from the dangers of this cruel world.


The next morning he came to look at her one last time. Her funeral would be held in a few days. She was announanced to have died from a mysterious sickness on her 19th birthday. The real reason was a secret that would be buried with her.

As Tim entered the room, he noted something strange. They had placed a freezing spell on the room so it served as a large morgue until the body was taken care of. But that wasn't what made him shudder. There she lay on the bed looking more otherworldy than ever.

Her normally shiny hair was now shining on a new found degree. Her lips should've been pale but they were a cherry red. Her pale skin seemed too bright under the morning sun , looking flawless. But most importantly, the holes in her neck that had caused her death were nowhere to be found.

He went to her side quickly without thinking. Was this a game his mind was playing on him? He took one of her still bound wrists and checked for a pulse. Nothing. She was not breathing either. He was stupid to believe his mind. But as he looked at her neck, he found that the wound was really gone. Maybe someone had put a spell on her so the real reson of her death was kept hidden? But the funeral was not due for a few days later and nobody came into her room as far as he knew.

He took a few steps back as his eyes widened in realizeation. It couldn't be. There was not a single witch or wizard that has survived a vampire bite. One simply could not be a vampire with magic in their veins. He quickly got out of the room to inform his aunt and grandmother.

Maybe, just maybe, his little sister wasn't completely gone.


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