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She waited next to Arwen in the fresh morning breeze as they said their farewells to their guests. "I am looking forward to seeing you at my home as well, mellon nin," said Galadriel once she stood across her, her beautiful face holding a warm smile.

"And I am looking forward to taking up that invitation," Flavia nodded in return before the Lady moved on to her granddaughter. Flavia had liked having conversations with Galadriel through their stay, and she was going to miss them.

They watched them leave as the birds began singing. Unbeknownst to them, the tale of a warrior with golden hair, of a witch, left with them to travel from elf to man until there was no folk who didn't know about the legendary woman.


It had been just a little over a decade since she had started to live in Rivendell. She trained elves who wished to become soldiers or healed severely injured ones with her magic, making the people respect her even more. Everywhere she went, elves stopped what they were doing to bow in respect to her.

And she got used to them as well. They were quite similar when one thought about it. She was light on her feet, so were they. They were graceful, so was she. They rested little, she didn't rest at all. The list could go on and on, but the fact she was extra remained. She was a vampire, after all.

Only a few people knew about it, and she planned to keep it that way for now. She would go out and hunt at night and come back soon after she fed. She had to feed on animals when there were no humans around, but she had to make that sacrifice. She did not feed on elves and would not because Elrond's trust was something she couldn't bring herself to betray.

As she sank lower in the tub, she sighed. Life in Rivendell was perfect, way too perfect. She wanted to go out and explore this world. She had studied it in the grand library of the city and Elrond's study, yes, but she wanted to see the real lands. She wanted to see the other Elven cities, discover new forests. Maybe she would visit the mines and get her ring reforged with mithril.

She would get souvenirs as well because no matter how much she travelled, she knew she wanted to come back to Imladris.

Unwillingly, she got out of the aromatic water and reached for her robe. After getting dressed in leggings and a black sweatshirt, she sat on the huge bed she rarely used. She didn't sleep, but some nights she just liked to lay on the soft mattress and relax.

However, this wasn't the reason she was utilizing it at that time. She was adjusting a projector while waiting for Arwen to come so they could have their movie night. After she was pleased with the angle, she waved her hand at a bowl of kernels to cook them into popcorns.

The door to her chamber flew open just as she settled on the bed with the huge bowl of popcorns. "I am sorry, I was delayed," the elleth gasped out. "By Estel," the blonde finished for her, taking in her appearance. Her cheeks were flushed, and her heartbeat was faster than usual. "How did you-?" she started to ask but was interrupted. "Unless you made out with my door before coming in, I do not see any other reason for your current state. Though I wouldn't judge you if you did, my door is rather charming, don't you agree?"

"He came back after so many weeks. I had missed him." Arwen said softly. "My, my. The princess is completely lovesick, all because of a mere mortal." Flavia teased. "Must you tease me so, mellon nin? I know he is a mortal, but I cannot help it. One day you will understand. Someone will come and sweep you off your feet." she said dreamily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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