Chapter 20: Intertwining

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"Her name is Prudence, but you all may know her better as the former Grim Reaper."

Satania's eyes widened, a spark igniting in her gaze.

"Prudence? Oh, I've heard about her."

Gabriel nodded.

"She's a legend of this world and for good reason." Gabriel smiled. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping an old friend."

The sun was barely hovering over the horizon, a stream of various colors of the rainbow dimly covering the surface outside, a small bit of that light shining through the windows.

Noticing the sun's location, Leone yawns.

"Well, I say we rest up for tonight, and tomorrow we will discuss further on our plans," Leone had suggested.

As Leone and Gabriel separated, Satania stayed behind with me. She enveloped her hand in mine, leading me somewhere with intent in her eyes.

"Where are we going?" I wondered.

Before long, we were outside, in front of the house. It was not snowing anymore, but snow remained on the grass, almost as if it were shielding it from danger. I admired the beauty and tranquility of the snow though shivered as I then felt a chilly breeze against my face. I then remembered that Satania had only her bra and underwear underneath her coat.

"Satania, are you not cold?"

She arched a brow in amusement before drawing a small fire in her hands.

"I play with fire, my love."

I shook my head, dumbfounded. Well, of course this kind of weather wouldn't faze her.

She then gave me a baffled look as she tilted her head, concern filling her eyes.

"Are you? I should have grabbed another coat or jacket along the way. I wasn't really thinking, except that I wanted to escape the house and go outside with you as soon as time would allow it."

I shook my head, smiling at her.

"Will you keep me warm?" I asked, enticing her. She took the bait with pleasure, wrapping an arm around me. Even though she had her coat on, I could still feel her natural heat that radiated off of her.

"Of course. Just stay close to my side."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

I breathed in the fresh air as I leaned against Satania. She lead me further away from the brick house, a smile plastered across her face.

Eventually, Satania halted, and I did the same. Our hands still intertwined, I lifted my head off of her shoulder and looked at the beautiful site before me. In front of me was a gigantic lake, a waterfall gushing on the other side.

The water was still placid, but glassy, as some ice floated on the top of the water. The diminutive light from the sun formed fading rainbows on some of the ice. I gazed at the entirety of the lake, my voice becoming disconcerted.

"As beautiful as it is over here, I don't know why you brought me here. We can't go in."

Satania wiggled her brows, playfully.

"Can we?"

Her eyes gleamed as she then let go of my hand and summoned her fire, the heat rushing to her fingertips. Though her flames were conspicuously dangerous and wild, she moved her hands with such grace as if she were cradling something gentle and painless. I watched in awe as she rested her hands at the edge of the water, heating it considerably, the ice slowly melting as Satania held complete control over the amount of heat being exerted.

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