Chapter 5

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     So what is profiling? It's more than a high intuition or guesswork of a person's behavior. Bobby Cremins wrote, "They are differences but there are a lot of similarities." The technical definition of profiling is: "the recording and analysis of a person's psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people." As true as that is there is honestly, a lot more to profiling. It's the small ticks a person has when they see an image or are faced with a situation. It's the movement of your hands. The dilation of a person's pupil. If you pay enough attention and spend enough time with a person you could read them like an open book. That's what the BAU does. They did it when I walked through the office door. They did it for the victims of the serial killer. The scenarios and fantasy the killer created helped them catch him and it was ultimately his downfall.

     Derek and Ashley returned to the police station a few minutes later.

     Hotch and Reid looked up when they entered. Everyone could sense the change in the two of them. There was something different between them. Something that changed, a closer trust, a stronger bond, a better understanding for the other.

     Reid silently passed Ashley a mug of warm coffee.

     "Thanks Reid." She murmured taking a sip. She was surprised he had guessed her taste for coffee. She preferred a dark roast with lots of creamer as opposed to sugar.

     "Spencer." He corrected absentmindedly already skimming back through the case. He looked up at her. "Did I guess right?"

     Ashley set the mug down and nodded with a small smile. "How'd you know?"

     "66% of women drink coffee as opposed to 62% of men." He explained. "35% prefer their coffee black while the other 65% prefer to drink their coffee with sugar or cream. I noticed JJ and Prentiss usually put creamer in their coffee."

     Hotch cleared his throat, "Reid, we're ready to give the profile."

     "Right, sorry." He mumbled.

     The team filed out of the conference room where the local police officers stood, waiting for the profile.

     "The UnSub we're looking for is a white male." Hotch began.

     "We believe he can be anywhere from his early 30's to his late 50's." Derek continued.

     Spencer stepped up and pointed to the map. "Based upon the explosion sites and where these women were abducted, this is his comfort zone." He gestured to a circle already drawn on the map. "The geographical area and the way he attacks suggests that he may not be attractive or charismatic and this may have an effect on his social life."

     "Women don't naturally go up and speak with him." Emily continued. "He'd be distant, socially awkward. Because of this he doesn't have family or friends that he'd be in contact with."

     "He'd either be unemployed or he'd work with an electrical or engineering company." Dave elaborated. "The bomb he used was a pipe bomb. Which means he knows what he's doing. He might also have burns or scars from past experiments."

     "Which would only add to his insecurities." Emily finished.

     "Our UnSub is a sexual sadist." Derek added. "That means he gets off on the fear and control he has over these women. And we know that he's targeting brunettes."

     Ashley couldn't help the shiver of dread that ran down her spine when he glanced at her.

     "The release he gets from blowing them up won't be enough." Hotch finished. "He will kill again to fulfill his fantasy. Look for anyone with a past record who's been recently laid off or fired from a job. It could be anything from minor disturbances, to sexual assault, and arson." He nodded towards the Detective to indicate their team was done.

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