Ch. 10: Scary Movies and Chaat

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Thankfully, the shed did not engulf in flames, but it was heavily damaged. Vic managed to get Henrik on the line after my multiple failed attempts to reach Lilly Ann. Probably because my hands were shaking the entire time.

"Alright, he said Lilly Ann and him are stuck at the office. The roads are closed down because it already started flooding over there. They said to stay indoors and not go outside. Also, Lilly Ann said if need be, candles are upstairs in the linen closet and there's an emergency power bank in the study." Vic relays the information to us as he rounds the corner. Zahir bites his fingernails nervously as he sits tucked into several blankets on the Lovesac.

Serena sits casually on the floor, laying the board games out and setting up Monopoly. Trevor just now walks out of the kitchen with a tray of chaat for everyone. I had directed him on how to decorate each bowl, and he did pretty good.

Before Trevor could sit next to me on the loveseat, Vic slides into the seat and wraps his arm around my shoulders, "How's the chaat?"

I smirk softly at him before nodding, "It's yummy!"

"Great, I looked up the recipe online."

"Who wants to be what?" Serena sings and Zahir springs onto the floor next to her, "Oh! I want to be the dog!"

"Sure," Serena places him on the board as Zahir claps excitedly.

"I'll be the top hat." Vic nods and I say, "The pot of gold for me."

"Race car for me." Trevor says through a mouthful of chaat. Serena nods and smiles as she places the horse lastly for herself.

The dimly lit room would've typically brought about an eerie feel, yet, with the people surrounding me, I felt safe. Zahir sits bundled like a burrito while he keeps buying the railroads and electrical places. Dodging the dice whenever Vic lands on one of them and has to pay the cheeky young man. Trevor laughs at their antics and has to stifle it back when Vic sends a glare his way. Serena saves her money as much as possible, only buying the cheapest properties when she lands on them. Vic whispers promises into my ear as we plot our way through the board. Him promising me the green plot if I promise him my boardwalk.

"Zahir, this is the twentieth time, I'm going to end up buying that plot from your stupid butt. You don't deserve the railroads!" Vic groans out and Zahir smirks, "Yeah, well the world is cruel. The people who don't deserve the good things still get them."

Serena pauses in her move, her eyes catching mine as a hint of nostalgia flashes through hers. It was a saying that she would hear me say all the time to Austin as a way to get him grounded. Yet, every time he would merely shrug it off with a "that's how the world works, deal with it" and would continue doing it anyways.

"Just be careful, because the world may allow it now, but whatever you do now, can come back to haunt you or bless you." Trevor mumbles and Zahir gives him a funny look, "Well, that just doesn't make any sense. That means losers will be winners and winners will be losers."

"At the end of the day, we will always be equal no matter if you win today. Because maybe tomorrow, I'll win." Serena says and Zahir pouts, "Then what's the point in competing?"

"If only some people thought that," I sigh before yelling in excitement, "I'm buying Boardwalk!"

"Yes!" Vic cheers as Zahir pouts, "Noooo!"

"You can buy boardwalk, but I'm buying Kentucky Avenue." Serena smirks and Zahir rolls his eyes, "What good is that?"

"You'd be surprised."

The grandfather clock in the hallway chimed midnight when we finally exhausted the game. The winner, of course, was Vic as he had the most expensive properties. Second runner up was Serena, surprising Vic and Zahir significantly.

Chon-Ji and SparklesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα