Who's room?

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| no one pov|

when kokichi and Kaede got to the house she let go of his wrist. She pulls out her keys and unlocked the door, opening it quietly. Kokichi walks into the house to see Rantaro laying on the floor, he walks over to him and crouches down next to him. "Is h-he okay?" Kokichi says in a worrying tone.
Kaede giggles "yeah he's fine he always falls asleep on the floor"
Kokichi climbed onto rantaro and sat on his waist putting his head down onto his chest and put his hands on rantaros chest as well
" What are you doing?" Kaede seemed confused
"checking for a heartbeat..."
Rantaro woke up a minute later and sat up looking at ouma
"what the hell are you doing, why are you sitting on me?" rantaro asked
Kokichi look at him and I blushed deeply
" I-I.."
The front door opened and it was Miu. She walked in and took off her shoes
"whats going on in here you two?" she looked at ouma and rantaro

|Rantaro pov|

Kokichi, he looks so...skinny, way too skinny for a high school male.
"Hey Kokichi, how much do you weigh?" It seemed like a weird question but I wonder
"Come on Rantaro, that's kinda a weird question to ask..." Kaede said as she walked into the living room and sat down on the couch

|Kaede pov|

Kokichi did seem small for a high schooler, and uniform looked quite big on him
"Me and Miu decided, He will stay in Shuichi's room"
"But what if-" Rantaro says before Kaede cuts him off
"We have already thought out somethings if he does end up doing dirty things, Kokichi could just stay with me or Miu, but most likely Miu"
"and why not me?" rantaro questions
" remember when shuichis window broke and he had to sleep in your room?"
"She's trying to say that you cuddle things and people in your sleep" Miu says
"Shuichis room is the basement!"  Rantaro blurts out
"And that's because he got used to sleeping down there, no one ever fixed the window you know"

|Kokichi pov|

I just sat there listening to them talk. I wonder what could have happened for the window to shatter. But it's not my business so I won't question it, I didn't know if I wanted to get up from Rantaros lap or not but he didn't seem to mind it.
"Speak of Shuichi, is he even home?" Miu said in a confused and questioning tone
"His room most likely," Kaede said
Rantaro bounced his leg slightly and I blushed again
"Kokichi, go check on him will ya" Miu said
"O-Oh okay.." I climb off of Rantaro and stand up.
"The door behind you" Miu said as she pointed to the basement door. I turn around and look at it before walking over to it and open it slowly, I look down the short flight of stairs and begin to walk down them shutting the door behind me.

|Miu pov|

"Doesn't be seem too skinny for a high schooler?"
"It's just going to make him an easier target for ki-b0" Kaede says quietly hoping that Kokichi wouldn't hear.
" to be completely honest, I didn't even know he was on me until Kaede's shoes clicking against the floor woke me up" Rantaro says
"I wonder how light he is, Kaede could probably pick him up if she wanted to"

|Kokichi pov|

I walked down the stairs quietly and looked at Shuichi, he was laying on his bed playing on his phone.
He looks at me and smiles slightly, he put down his phone and sat up. I walk over to him slowly, shaking.
"what's up?" he asks
"O-Oh I was just t-told to come and see if y-you were down here..."
We sat in silence for a moment
"S-Sorry I'm probably bothering y-you, I'll go now"
"Oh, Oh no I promise you're not bothering me, I was just watching danganronpa..please come and sit with me" Shuichi says.
"O-Oh i.. okay"
I walk over and sit next to him, he scoots closer. His hand was rested on the bed but very close to my thigh. I don't want to make him mad so u won't say anything about it.
"Soo, what's with all these bandages on your face?"
He turns my head to his and smiles slightly
"W-Well I...um"
"Never mind, it doesn't really matter. You're staying down here with me right?"
His smile widens

|Miu Pov|

Someone's phone rings, we all look at ours and it wasn't us. Rantaro looked at the phone on the table and grabbed it, he looks at the grape pants bottle keychain on it, he answers the call and puts it on speaker.
"hey kichi" a woman voice said.
"Oh um, this is his roommate. He's a bit busy right now" Rantaro said confused
"Oh well...make sure he stops over later..." the female said
"Alright, we promise we will"
"Thank you"
The female quickly hung up and Rantaro closed the phone
"What the hell"
"Maybe we should ask kokichi about it," Kaede said in a confused tone

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