Is that his self-defense?

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TW: kissing, blood, bullying

|Rantaro pov|

After I left the house I caught up to Shuichi, Kaede, and Miu, walking with them
"There's so much I want to learn about him"
"Like what?" Miu questions
I look at Shuichi he had his earbuds in so I don't think he would hear me
" Just don't do anything dirty... Shuichi is still living in the same house as us, y' know" Kaede says
"yeah I know, I'm interested in his self-defense techniques, I noticed yesterday he was sitting in my lap... He had some type of bottle if you will, clipped to the side of his pants I wonder what it could be..."
"Pepper spray?" Miu says
" oh! It could be that weird spray that a lot of... I mean most teenagers have, it's meant to be sprayed in the eyes but it hurts like crazy, it's supposed to be a lot worse than pepper spray I heard" Kaede says
"I'd rather hope that it isn't I don't wanna get sprayed by that you know" Miu says
"... I think he might have a more subtle way of self-defense..."
"What do you mean?" Miu says confused
" I mean like through contact, such as like... Kissing? It's supposed to naturally stun the person when it's at random such as in a self-defense needed time"
"Ohhh now I see, I could see him using that method," Kaede says
Us three arrived at the school and walked into the school building, Miu and Kaede sighed
"Another day in hell," Kaede says slouching over as she walked
"I agree, and we're only just getting here~" she says in a whiny tone
"It's not that bad, we have two periods then break then we have study then, lunch and then the day is halfway over with"
"Yeah but still it's so long!" Miu says crossing her arms
"Yeah rantaro! We have gym today and I hate the teachers! And today's schedule is different than normal we have fewer classes with shu so now we don't get to pick on him!" Kaede says
" just pick on him when we get home it's not that big of a deal you know"
Kaede walks to her first class of the day, which is in the library's study room
" now quit your whining and get to class!"
I slap her ass to get her up straight and she turns around and puts her hands on her hips and leans forward looking at me, she looks away and towards the lockers
" I won't take this assault from you right now!"
She turns around and walks to her class
I smiled slightly and shake my head as I walked to my own first class of the day, my first class is going to be with Saihara but not sure about Kokichi, I hope it is, I don't want him getting hurt by K1B0 or gonta, not the point he's safe with us
I sit down in my seat which was behind Kokichi, I am relieved that he's in our class. Shuichi was sitting next to him, Saihara must have been flirting with him, Kokichi was blushing
Class started and they will stop talking, looking up at the teachers.
I was paying attention as well, well kind of at least not as much as I should be though not a big deal my grades are fine, I just hope saihara isn't making Kokichi uncomfortable
He doesn't seem to be too uncomfortable actually I think he's really taking a liking to Shu, but then again he's currently, still a nervous wreck about what happened this morning.
I'm not gonna bring it up because I don't want to get a lecture from the girls
Oh well, maybe I'll apologize when he's alone


I smirk and put my hands into my pockets as I walked down the hall.
"Class is finally over, I guess I'll walk in the halls for a bit just to clear some thoughts out of my head," I say to myself, I'm not in the mood to go to my next class so I might just go sit on the rooftop or on the front part of the school for a bit, maybe I'll ask miu if she wants to come as well I know that she doesn't like second. Class and then we can go to lunch with everyone if I if we don't see them at lunch and then we'll see them at home. Kaede said she'll be home, we won't see her for the rest of the school day. Oh well, I see Kokichi a distance away, he must be late, or couldn't find anyone that he knows. I sigh and walk up to him

|kokichi pov|

I look behind me after hearing foot steps coming up behind me, it was Rantaro. I blush a pink color and remember what happened this morning, I can't believe I did that to him, I slowly begin to walk and see shuichi ahead of me. I look back at Rantaro then at shuichi, I turn to shuichi and hold onto his arm burying my head into his side softly. He looks down at me
"Can't get enough of me eh?" Saihara teases and pats my head softly.
I let go of his arm and He puts his arm around me as he talked with the guys he was standing with, I felt bad for interrupting them...I grip onto the side of this uniform, I gently close my eyes, I could smell is Cologne, had kind of a girly sweet smell... But it doesn't bother me I kinda like it
I open my eyes and see one of the guys looking at me, he winked and smiled, it made a uncomfortable...I cling to saihara's side so our body's were touching. Saihara looks at me and smirks, he lowers his hand down onto my waist, I blush and he looks back up at the guys and they continue to talk.
"So who's you're girl?" One of the guys asks as he looks at me.
"She lives in me and the girls house, she's new" saihara says, he must have just gone with what they were saying, maybe he didn't want to seem weird to them. I think about the first time I met him, she was nice, very flirty and touchy-feely but, I guess I'm okay with it now.
'You have beautiful eyes' one of the first things he ever said to me, it put a fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Maybe he's just playing with my feelings for entertainment... it wouldn't bother me anyway if he was, Kaito was doing the same thing when we were friends, at least back then, I wouldn't have moved to this school if I knew that he was going to be here as a student, I'm kinda glad I did, I think that I've met people that I could trust...the guys walk away and saihara looks at me, tilting my head up to him and kisses my cheek, I blush, he's just playing with me...that's what I'd like to think, I've caught feelings for him once I got to know him, love a first sight, is what they call

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