Chapter Seven

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• involves the belief that a demon or entity controls a person's actions, commonly claimed symptoms are missing memories, perceptual distortions and loss of a sense of control

"Jake?" I hear Anne's voice echo around the empty house, our school dismissed as early due to some sort of meeting they had to hold and I found myself telling Jake to come to my house to which he skeptically agreed on.

"Oh hey" their conversations turns to whispers and I could barely hear what they were talking about but I was slightly preoccupied, making sure that my room looked decent enough for a guest to enter, I haven't cleaned for so long, last month's assignments still laid on my desk, I compile them in a messy stack, taking one last glance of myself in the mirror until I pull the doors open.

I almost scream when Anne's face greets me. She looked perplexed, one eyebrow raised in annoyance

"You didn't tell me we had a guest coming" she says that through gritted teeth and I offer her a sheepish smile, I didn't really think that she would care, not that she looked bad anyway, she never does.

"I forgot" she rolls her eyes at me and I feel weird seeing her annoyance is pointed directly towards me. We've fought when we were young but it was only over toys or who gets the last piece of cookie and we might argue from time to time but she seemed to genuinely despise me right now.

"Hey" I only notice now of Jake's figure who stood behind her with an awkward smile, holding a plastic filled of what looked like food. I grin at the sight of him, he was out of his morning clothes, looking ready for the party awaiting, his hair was slightly wet, I assume he took another bath like I did, it was nice to know we were just as nervous as seeing each other in times like this. Now that I think about it, we've never hang out in the afternoon just for fun and no one else has ever been to my room before.

"Ill be downstairs" I hear Anne mumble, quickly brushing past Jake.

"Picked out a movie yet?" he enters my room and I fidget in nervousness. He takes a quick glance around and comfortably settles himself on my bed as if it were his own.

"I was thinking you'd help with that" He hums in agreement, he hands me what he has been holding and I smile at the delicious sight of cookies.

"My mom made them, we had a few more extras so she told me to give some to you" I blush thinking how his mom hasn't forgotten about me yet although our time together wasn't really much memorable.

"Oh...Thankyou, I'll make up to your mom someday" he waves a hand and starts scrolling through the movies in Elaine's laptop, she always loved watching movies and would often spend late nights on them, she could always be more dedicated to a series drama than her own studies, I guess it always happens when we actually love one thing and despise the other.

We end up building a tiny fort on the floor because apparently, my bed wasn't giving the vibe valid enough to endure watching a movie, he says the environment is important to enjoy oneself and I, the inexperienced, follow along his seemingly childish plans. We eat through the cookies, watching Lovely Bones, waiting until the sun died down in our little fort.

Darkness slowly engulfs my room until I find myself slowly fading away from my body until I feel drastically lighter than before, the only providing light was my laptop but Jake was too engulfed in the movie to even notice, I smile, watching his emotions shift one after the other, completely unaware of everything else, his elbow was touching mine and I couldn't focus, I could barely remember what happened in the first place, all I wanted was to lean my head over his shoulder and fade away into slumber, I wonder if he feels it too, but just watching him makes me feel content. Comfortably anxious is how I'd describe it.

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