Chapter Nine

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• the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another without justification or valid excuse, especially when killing another human with malice

A black abyss is suddenly around me, I cough trying to regain my breath, my hands wander over my neck, traces of his fingers lied there, turning into a deep shade of purple.

A sudden scream surrounds the silence and I cover my ears trying to block it, it was the same voice I had heard before, a woman full of despair and nothing more, no trace of human happiness, no sense of blissful feeling. It stops and my eyes are forced to flutter open. I was back in the room, it looked different than before, the walls were painted a deep shade of maroon instead of the dark blue ones from before and even the bed frame looked different.

It was empty, the sheets were neatly done but that soon changed as the door swung open. A woman screams, flailing her arms around in a desperate attempt in making him let go, he doesn't. The same malicious smile is on his lips and he throws her roughly unto the bed.

"Please! Stop! Someone help me!" she attempts to stand up but he pushes her down with his weight. She was crying, fat tears strolled down her cheeks, her face was already bruised, her lip cut open, and her arms were filled with bruises.

"Plead all you want. No one's going to come to help you. No one's even going to remember you. Just a dumb fucked up slut" he sneers, taking off his pants with one hand while pressing her deeper into the bed with the other.

She looked frail, her figure was smaller than of Katy's but she didn't seem intoxicated, just badly beaten up but even so, she tries and tries to get out of his grip, never minding the fact that even if she did manage to, she could never escape. He was right, no one was going to help her.

"Please don't do this! I won't tell anyone please!" he rips down her dress, exposing her naked body and his eyes turn darker with lust. I was there and yet I wasn't. This was a figment of my imagination yet it was real, the same man loomed over her, younger, she looked fragile compared to his frame but he doesn't care. He lets out a laugh, sending shivers down my spine.


I needed to get back, stop dreaming this nightmare but I couldn't. I was glued to my spot, the pain around my neck still remained.

"No!" she screams, punching the back of his head with all her strength and he visibly stiffens at the motion, her eyes widen in realization and she shakes her head furiously.

"No! No! I'm sorry! Please!" but the impending doom was unstoppable. He sits himself up, his legs wrapped around her waist tightly and even with only that she still couldn't move. He rolls his shoulders back, clearly infuriated.

"Stupid fuck" he mumbles. I watch as his hands fly across her cheek, the loud sound occupies the room and I gasp, a painful red mark stinging at the side of her cheek.

But he doesn't stop. He punches her gut, making her scream in pain, she tries to cover her stomach but he easily grabs both her wrist to keep them in place.

"Fuck you!" he lets out a laugh, he punches her face, blood drips from her nose and her eyes are widened in shock, unable to comprehend the pain. Her arm limps over her head and her eyes are barely able to keep open, she breaths through her shaky lips that dripped with blood, her legs limp under his weight.

"Awww! Don't die so fucking soon!" he whines, grasping her cheeks and shaking her head roughly, sending blood splattering on the floor.

He pauses, letting out a frustrated sigh. All I felt was rage, something so inhumane was happening right before my eyes, he was merciless, not even the cries of an innocent child would falter his cold heart and his stoic stare would pierce deep into the fears of his companions. He lets her arms go but they were already worn out, unable to even lift them. She lets out a moan of pain, forcing her eyes to open, she didn't want to accept it, to accept death that stared her in the eyes.

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