Chapter Eight

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• the action or fact of dying or being killed, the end of the life of a person or organism, a permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain living

My cheeks were tear stained when I woke up, everything felt real, I remember the pain and that face, the look of a merciless man knowing perfectly well of the power that he held. My shoulders bruised on either sides, I wince as I try to move them and the pain shoots through my arm, it was big and visible, slowly turning darker than before.

I was dreading going to school, Anne wasn't her perky self when I bumped into her on my way to the bathroom, she held a frown over her face and a confused look in her eyes, she didn't talk or even bothered to spare a glance and I felt guilty for having her go through that.

Jake. I don't recall leaving Anne's body but it seemed like it, I've left Jake to fend for himself again and Anne's friends might ask her questions and the answers would be left unknown, even though they weren't great people, I didn't want them to suddenly outcast Anne, it would make things worse, if Anne were to leave them, it would be because of her own realization and not by my selfish actions.

I let out a sigh, wincing as the bag strap lands on my shoulder. I'm walking through the streets, stopping when a familiar figure is suddenly infront of me.

"W-what happened?" I gasp when he looks up, his eye was bruised and his lip was cut open, he winces as he tries to smile and I flinch when he embraces me. His warmth fills the once cold atmosphere, his hands placed firmly on my back and I lean on his chest as if out of instinct.

"You're okay" he whispers, I could feel him relax ever so slightly, my heart aches with guilt, Fuck. I shouldn't have brought him there, if I wanted to go out so badly, I should've gone out alone. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.

And yet he's here, embracing me, as if the sight of me doesn't make him remember of the troubles he went through for my selfish desires. Selfish. Selfish. Selfish, the word rang in my head over and over again and I dreaded the truth, I wasn't going to stop.

I've never realized how lost I had been in my life until reality pointed a gun to my head, I couldn't look away anymore, I couldn't close my eyes when the truth was only a few steps ahead of me. That man in my dream is held liable for my nightmares but this time, I'm going through it alone.

I should've done everything alone, I shouldn't have pulled Jake into all this mess, it was silly for me to think he would be there all the way, to think that I'd finally have someone to be by my side in pain and in laughter, at least, until I found truth and reason, my very own paranormal partner. But if it meant him getting hurt, I would rather die alone.

"When you fell...I thought he pushed you...I-I don't know what came over me" his breath fans over the back of my neck, his hold tighter around my waist and I didn't mind it at all, I closed my eyes and listened, his heartbeat matched my own. He chuckles bitterly.

"I couldn't even lay a hand on him...they started dragging me away...but then I saw you" he pulls away ever so slightly, his hands cupping my cheeks, his eyes burning deep into mine, he looked so gentle, how could I have done this to him?

"Anne looked so confused but she was herself again...yo-you were standing were looking at that man..crying. I felt so helpless" I left Anne's body. The demon had pushed me, forced me out of a place that I didn't belong, as if it demanded my attention.

"Wh-what did you see?" I couldn't look him in the eye, my hand clutched over the bag strap that pressed on the bruise, feeling as if it were piercing its way through my skin.

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