Chapter 6

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Thank you all for reading! (^-^)(supposed to be a hug.) and an extra big thank you to NatyNatasha20 !❤️
I'm really sorry for not updating quicker, just internet, mental and time issues. But I'm super happy this story is being read!! (This is what my face is doing in the picture.)

'Listen, Armin, you can't go back. They don't love you like I do.'
'You can't really think that, can you?'

'I've taken care of you for years, so you're mine.'
'I'm not anyones'.

I'm not leaving until your father comes back. He will help you. He will know what to do.'

Armin lay there where Eren had left him. He looked at his hand with glassy eyes, recalling what Eren had said and thought about what he could have said. He didn't know what Eren was like now. He could be in even worse condition. If so, then he could be capable of doing something worse— no, he's a kid he can't do anything worse than this, can he?
Armin stared at the bandages covering his hand; just thinking back made his hand twinge in discomfort. He traced over his cheek with this injured hand, wanting to try and attempt to move it. It still hurt quite a bit and was stiff, but more concerning was that he could not even clench his fist, or really move the fingers at all. He dared not to pick anything up with this hand, not really because of the pain (although it probably would still hurt), but because he most likely would not even be able to muster enough strength to close his hand. I'm sure a doctor can fix it...

"H-hey..." Eren said, sheepishly smiling.
Armin didn't really know what to say. He thought he should have used his time to think of what to say to him now and not what he could have said to him in the past.
"I'm sorry for what I did. I just didn't want you to leave..." Eren said looking to the floor.
"That isn't really an excuse." Armin said quietly.
"I know..." Eren looked disappointed, not even wanting to look at the person he betrayed.
"H-how about we go and read some of your books about the sea?" Eren suddenly said.
"Aren't they at my house?"
"I brought them over, incase you wanted to be cheered up. I guess after... what happened, you do need it..."
Wait he went to my house? My grandpa is there— He did this to me so he could be a danger to others too!
"Y-you went to my house?!"
"Yes. When you were sleeping."
"What did you say to my grandpa." Armin asked unsteadily.
"I said we were having a sleepover because we are, aren't we?" Eren says looking slightly embarrassed for some reason. Armin again doesn't know what to say. Eren's slightly nervous smile disappears for a moment and then returns quickly, "I also made those pancakes we were supposed to cook together. You can have them all. Aren't you hungry?"
Now that Eren had mentioned it Armin was quite hungry. "I-...okay..."

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