chapter two

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Shrugging it off, I just decided to go over and hug Hayden.

That was until I heard someone say "Hey," and tap me on the shoulder.

I knew who it was before I turned around.

"What do you want, Ethan?" I said as I turned around to glare at him.

His emerald green eyes were already shooting daggers into my own hazel ones. Due to the height difference, he was towering over me by quite a lot but if I'm honest, I think he was trying to make himself look taller than he already was to 'intimidate' me or something.

He leaned down so he was at my eye level and our faces were way too close for comfort. I felt my breath hitch slightly.

Stupid body.
Stupid reaction.
Stupid Ethan.

I saw him smirk then say "There's toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe, Roberts." He then walked away with his friends and at least five girls wandering behind.

I looked down.

Shit. He was right.

I pulled it off the base of my converse as I started to feel my cheeks light up in embrassment. Some first day this is. I haven't even been to my first class yet.

As I stood back up, I felt Hayden pull on my wrist to turn me around to face him. I looked up to meet his gaze and saw a look of worry and annoyance. He even looked a little... jealous?

Ha. He has nothing to worry about. I would never be with Ethan even if he was the last guy on Earth. I don't even think I could be friends with him at this point.

"What did that dick want with you?" Hayden asked me.

"Ugh, nothing," I replied, " He just came to embarrass me as always."

Hayden just nodded his head in response.

"So what have you got first?"

He pulled out his timetable to check and said "Biology with Ms Harburg. You?"

"Same!" I smiled and just as I said that the bell rang. "Timing, much." We laughed and walked off to Biology classrooms.

—- time skip

'Not to jinx it or anything, but if all my classes are like that then this could actually be a good year.' I thought to myself as I walked out of the room.

I got put next to Maddy and Hayden is just the other side. Alyssa and Clem are also in the class but they're a row in front. Ms Harburg just lets us chat when she's not speaking so I really couldn't ask for anything better.

Still optimistically thinking about how school could be possibly fun this year and forgetting all about what happened earlier in the hallway, I walked into my next class of AP Calculus. I went to sit at the back of the classroom as everyone else seemed to be sitting where they wanted.

None of my friends were also in this class so I decided to just unpack my books and get out a pen. A few seconds later, I spotted Thea who had been in my Gym and Chemistry classes last year. I decided just to chat to her until the bell rang for class.

Everyone settled down in their seats as the teacher walked in. He was a middle aged man who's hair was starting to grey at the top. I hadn't seen him around before so I guessed that he must be new.

"Hello class. My name is Mr Grace and I'm your teacher for AP Calculus this year."

Well, duh.

"I am also new around here so for this lesson I will be going over my classroom rules and what I expect from you."

I knew it.

Usually I quite enjoy maths but this teacher seemed like a killjoy. He started writing out his 'rules' onto the board behind him and I lost interest quickly. I decided to draw doodles on the side of my binder.

If he was going to treat us like we're in middle school, then I suppose I'll just have to ask like a 6th grader.

I continued to sketch out flowers, which I have to say were actually quite good, until I was startled by the opening of the door. The lesson's like halfway through, who the hell is turning up to class now?

Of course it's fucking Ethan.

He walked in with the smirk that seems to be plastered on his face and did a little wave to Mr Grace before finding a place to sit. I was distracted by the disbelief of Mr Grace's face that I didn't have time to realise and possibly even stop Ethan from sitting down next to me.

You've got to be kidding me! I'm not sitting next to this dickhead for a whole year. How's he in this class anyways? He's a senior.

Damn it, of course my shitty school decided it couldn't hire anymore teachers so decided to put both juniors and seniors into AP classes together. It's just my luck I guess. And to think that I would have a good school year this time.

Hesitantly, I looked over to my right. Although he had come in late with no explanation, Ethan seemed to not even try to make a good impression on our teacher but to instead to be sat sideways towards me and have his bag still slung on his shoulder.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Shit. I had gotten lost in my thoughts and now I look like I was gazing at him.

"It's okay, I get it. You like what you see."

Hearing that I scoffed and went back to look at him but this time it was an intentional glare. "Ha! You wish!" I retorted, "Actually you have something stuck in your teeth."

He didn't. I just wanted embarrass him like he had already so done twice to me today.

I held back a laugh as I saw him quite frantically check his teeth in his phone's camera. However, I had to quickly go back to my 'work' when I saw his expression turn from one of embarrassment to one of slight anger.

"You're such a bitch, Roberts."


—- words [1031]
I'm proud that I actually have motivation to write! I think I'm also going to keep a log of the number of reads so I know my progress :)
We're currently only at 13 but that's better than 0 and I'm thankful for anyone who choses to read my book❤️
Olivia :)

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