chapter three

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"You're such a bitch, Roberts."


"Cruz! Roberts! Stop talking!" Yelled Mr Grace, "Do you want a detention on the first day of school?" I shook my head and I turned to face the front of the room only to see everyone starting at us.

Great. You know I think I hate Mr Grace almost as much as I hate Ethan. How come even when I try to get him back, I'm still the one who ends up more embarrassed.

Once the lesson had started back up and no ones attention was on me anymore, I dared a glance to the side so I could see Ethan's reaction to all of this. Unsurprising he looked unfazed and maybe even a little smug? Sometimes I wish he could maybe just at least seem to care a little.

No. I need to stop caring so much about Ethan or anything he does otherwise this is going to be a hell of a year.

For God's sake, it's only the first day as well.

The rest of my morning classes flew by after that. None of them were as bad as Calculus so I decided to still count this as an okay day. I waited for Clem at the doorway of our History room and we walked together to the entrance.

Since we were now juniors, we were allowed to go off school campus. This is one of the things I looked forward to the most because although the pizza wasn't to bad in the cafeteria, it's nothing compared to dominos or pizza hut. Oh my God I'm making myself hungry just thinking about it.

We continued to chat as we approached her car and got in to wait for the others. We had all agreed on the group chat to meet in Clem's car so we could drive somewhere and have lunch together; we being me, Clem, Maddy, Alyssa and Hayden.

"Shotgun!" I called when I got to the passager door. Clem just laughed and shook her head at my childishness as she unlocked the car. What can I say- it's a tradition  Even if there's no one else to actually call shotgun against.

"Do you know what I really want to listen to now?" Clem said. I gave her a slightly confused look in reply.

"Shotgun by George Ezra."

"OMG yes!" I grinned as she plugged her phone into the AUX. Not too long after we were having a full on karaoke session in the parking lot.

Suddenly there was a knock at the window and I jumped before frantically looking around only to see Alyssa, Maddy and Hayden in a fit of laughter. I swear that was one of the biggest scares of my life. Clem's eyes were wide in shock so I assumed she must be feeling the same.

They're gonna bully us later.

Once they had all recovered, they got into the back seats and we drove off to Taco Bell. I kinda fancied tacos today. Throughout the drive I still heard random giggles from the three in the back and occasionally even the "You should've seen your faces!" I just had a light smile on my face as I thought about how ridiculous my friends are.

Soon enough we had pulled into the nearest Chipotle and had ordered our meals. We found a table and I sat next to Hayden with Alyssa, Maddy and Clem all opposite. I realised that we had no napkins and announced to the table that I was going to get some.

I walked up to the counter and asked the employee for some. They handed me a stack and I thanked them but when I turned around I collided with something or I guess someone. I lost my balance and landed on the floor next to the pile of napkins.

"Ouch! That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!" I said to myself and I rubbed my elbow which seemed to be the place which took most of the force from the fall. I never was the most lady like or elegant person.

"Finally another person of culture." I heard a voice chuckle from beside me. I turned to face them and was met with an already outstretched hand.

"I'm Dylan." said the boy. He seemed to be about the same age as me but I didn't think I recognised him. "I'm so sorry for knocking you over by the way. I wasn't really looking where I was going."

"No it's fine! I wasn't either." I reassured him. "I'm Brooke by the way." I introduced myself as I took his hand and shook it then kneeled down to pick up the napkins which were scattered by my feet.

I saw Dylan do the same and help collect them until he faced me. "Do you also go to Manor Lake High? I think I've seen you in some of my classes today but I'm new so don't really know anyone." That's why I didn't recognise him.

"Yeah, I do. Hey do you want to sit with me and my friends?" I asked, "I'll warn you now that they are pretty strange but I love them all the same."

He laughed at the last part but agreed. I smiled at him and after gathering up the final napkins off the floor, we walked back over to the table where my friends seemed to be engaged in a conversation about how Maddy can't be in charge of the AUX cord when we go back to school because her music taste is too 'weird'.

I agree. Last time she had Dance Monkey in her playlist.

"What took you so long?" asked Alyssa when I took my place back next to Hayden. "Oh wait... who's this? He's cute!" She mouthed the last part to me then shyly waved to Dylan who sat down opposite her. I rolled my eyes in amusement but actually they could be quite cute together.

"Everyone this is Dylan. Dylan this is everyone." I let everyone introduce themselves separately and we were soon chatting and laughing whilst eating our food. I felt kinda proud of how well they were all getting on.

We arrived back at school with still five minutes left of lunch. Most of which I spent by resting my head on Hayden's shoulder. The first day had worn me out and I was just ready to get back home so I could curl up in bed.

— words [1077]
It's only chapter three but opinions so far?
Also don't be afraid to correct any mistakes I make cause it'll be helpful for everyone :)
We're now at 30 reads so tysm for choosing to read this❤️

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