chapter five

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Damn it.

I watched my last chance of escape walked away from me before turning on my heel and heading out to the parking lot with a huff. I sighed again when I saw Ethan leaning slightly on my brother's car whilst talking to a few girls. What else could I have expected?

As I neared them, I recognised who they were. It was Eliana and her friends. I want to say... Parsley and Gemini?

I try to avoid them as best as possible. Eliana is the resident 'it' girl and likes to think she owns every boy on the football team, scratch that, entire school and being blue eyed, blonde haired head cheerleader she is she basically does.

She likes to batter her eyelashes and act all innocent but I've seen her give someone a bad scar on their neck from her ridiculous 10 inch acrylics.

I cleared my throat when I was in earshot of the four. I just wanted to get this over and done with at this point. Ethan still didn't turn around after a few seconds and the others just acted like I didn't exist. I was already fed up.

"Ethan can you stop trying to bed girls for like two seconds and just drive us home?" I said hoping to not be ignored this time.

"Okay, okay relax darling. We can go now." He finally replied. I  gladly went to open the car door when I heard Eliana start to say something. For fucks sake.

"Um no. Ethan wants to talk to us and we want to talk to him so you can scurry along. I don't like having to deal with no ones like you." I rolled my eyes at her words then turned to Ethan with an annoyed look on my face and crossed my arms. He returned this with a smirk whilst Parsley and Gemini snickered in the background.

"Fine fine," Ethan spoke up as I continued to give him a pointed stare- I think he got the message. "Eliana I should go but I'll text you later, okay?" He said with a wink.


"Of course, babes." She replies with a sickeningly sweet smile. She leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek and while doing so tried to stare me down.


It's not even as if she has anything to worry about.

"Come on Paisley, Gemma, let's go." She called out as she clacked away in her heels.

Oh. That's their names. I was close enough.

I got into the car once Ethan unlocked it and went to put in my earphones until I heard him start to talk. I might not like him but I do have some manners.

"Were you jealous back there, darling?" I regret not just ignoring him.

"No. Don't flatter yourself Cruz." I was quick to reply as he pulled out onto the road.

"Yeah sure. That's why you're being so defensive. You're also blushing a bit there Brooke." He said, reaching out to poke my cheek whilst still keeping his eyes on the road.

"I hate you."

"I know." He replied but it came out as barely a whisper.

I don't know why but when I heard that I felt kind of... bad? He sounded almost hurt. I thought about mentioning it but I doubt I was meant to hear it so I decided to just not. We sat in an uncomfortable silence for the next few minutes. I wasn't sure what to say to break it.

"OH MY GOD, MCDONALDS!" That should do it.

"What?" Ethan glanced at me for a brief second. He looked very confused at my sudden outburst.

"Ethan look! There's a new McDonalds over there!" I excitedly said, "Please can we go? Pleaseee?"

Ethan chuckled at my begging and nodded his head, an amused look resting on his face. I instantly grinned back. For some reason him looking happier again made me happy too. I don't know why but I have a sudden craving for a Big Mac and milkshake.

I jumped out of the car once we had parked and pulled Ethan behind me as I bounded up to the cashier. We both ordered our meals- me a Big Mac meal with a Vanilla Milkshake and Ethan got 16 Chicken Nuggets and a Diet Coke.

We sat down in one of the booths opposite each other and I immediately started eating my meal. I sighed contently as I bit into my burger. Some people hate McDonalds but I find it to be like a comfort food sometimes. Ethan still had the same look as he did in the car.

"Do you think I can inhale a fry?" I asked as I looked at one in my fingers.

"Sorry, what darling?"

"I just... I saw a video of someone trying it. Now I really want to too."

"Um Brooke I think that you'll choke." Ethan sounded slightly concerned but I just shrugged it off. What's life without it's risks. Dying by a fry could be an interesting way to go.

I brought the fry closer to my mouth and inhaled, trying to get it to go down my throat. It completely missed my mouth but I continued on my mission. I heard Ethan start to laugh from opposite me as I kept trying. I finally stopped when I hit the back of my throat and I nearly choked. Through my coughs, I saw Ethan in hysterics and I started laughing with him. It was like his laugh was infectious. We both were nearly in tears for what felt like ten minutes.

I saw Ethan put down his phone once he had regained himself enough. Was he filming the whole thing? Whatever, I guess. I didn't want to ruin the moment when it almost felt like how it had before.

I finished off my milkshake and Ethan ate the last of his chicken nuggets. I stole one or two but he didn't seem to mind. We went over to the the trash and cleared the tray then walked towards the exit but we were stopped by someone.

"Hey bro!" A voice called out to Ethan. I turned to the left to see James, another player on the football team, giving him a 'bro' hug. "Are you going to Taylor's party on Friday?"

"Yeah, of course." Ethan replied.

"I didn't know Taylor was having a party on Friday." I decided to join in.

"Ethan, why don't you invite your girl to the party?"

"She's not my girl."

"I'm not his girl." We both rushed out at the same time. I didn't want James to get the wrong idea when I literally have a boyfriend.

"Oh okay... well 'not Ethan's girl' you should go on Friday." James said and put up air quotes around 'not Ethan's girl'.

"She's not going." Snapped Ethan.

Who the fuck does he think he is. He doesn't get to decide what I do.

"Ethan you're not my boss so shut up." I glared at him and then turned to James "I would love to. My names Brooke by the way." I extended my hand for him to shake which he took.

I'm so excited for Friday.

—- words [1203]
i'm so sorry for the slow update but i wasn't sure how to write this chapter for a bit.
also tysm for 56 reads❤️
olivia :)

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