chapter four

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'Finally, bed.' I thought as I threw myself onto the covers of the comfiest place on Earth. My assortment of throw pillows were still all over my floor as I hadn't had time to pick them up in my rush this morning but I would tidy them when I wasn't so exhausted.

Okay, maybe I won't. But they'll be fine.

Despite it being just the first day, certain teachers still thought it appropriate to set homework.

*cough cough* Mr Grace.

I swear I hate him already. To be honest, I think the feelings mutual.

At least it's not due until Thursday. I might as well relax for the evening and leave it for later on. Without the stress of anything else on my mind, I felt my eyes get heavier as I scrolled through my phone. Soon enough, sleep took over and I drifted off.


*beep beep beep*

What the hell is that sound?

*beep beep beep*

Let me sleep.

*beep beep beep*


I was finally woken up by my alarm once I realised what was even going on. I thought it was still the evening? I don't even know if I was called for dinner. The birds were chirping outside my window and when I checked my phone, it read 06:45 so I guess it was time to get ready for school.

Ew, school. It's only the second day and I already want to go back to summer.

This summer was great. I got to see Alyssa everyday as we both didn't go away and she's only next door. We went on a day trip together to Universal Studios and I got to go on a rollercoaster for the first time. I know it's a bit lame that even though I'm nearly 17 I haven't ever been on a rollercoaster but, hey, at least I have now!

Clem was also with us when we went but she saw someone cute and went with them. We only met her again when we were going to leave. I still kinda wonder what she got up to that day.

Hayden wasn't around much. He was at his grandparents who moved to Costa Rica a few years ago. We still facetimed so it wasn't too bad. Maddy also was away quite a bit. I think she was on holiday with her family but she never really specified.

Alex was luckily out of my way a lot of the time. He was constantly at Ethan's house. Their house has a nicer pool because he basically lives in a mansion. I used to love playing there. Ethan, Alex and I would have crazy water fights with the other kids in the neighbourhood. Not many things have come close to topping those memories.

Wow I need to stop thinking about summer or else I'm going to feel even worse.

I carried on getting ready and finished tying my hair into a ponytail whilst running down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. I poured cereal and milk into a bowl and quickly ate it. My dad had already left for work but my mom was still at the table so I rushed to say bye and hug her before slipping on my shoes, grabbing my bag and going out to the car.

Alex was already sitting in the front impatiently tapping his fingers on the wheel. I will never understand how he can get ready so fast.

I jumped in quickly so he wouldn't try hurry me again like he did yesterday and we pulled out onto the road. I placed in my earphones and turned up my music then zoned out whilst staring out the window. I didn't even realise we were going a different way until we pulled up in front of a familiar house.

"Alex what are we doing outside Ethan's house?" I asked.

"I'm driving him to school today." He replied. Shit. "I told you while we were driving over here Brooke."

Maybe I should pay attention more. Then there could've been a chance that I could've stopped this.

I was trying to think of some excuse as to why we shouldn't take Ethan to school with us but it was way too early and soon enough Ethan was climbing into the backseat.

"Looks like you've stolen my seat, darling." He said once he closed the door.

I just rolled my eyes but realised he couldn't see so decided to give him the middle finger for good measure. I don't want to deal with his bullshit today. Or ever, for that matter.

"Okay well I call shotgun for when we go home!"

"What are you? Five or something?" I know I sound like a hypocrite as I did the same thing with Clem but I don't care when it comes to Ethan. "Besides, you're not going back with us if I have anything to say about it."

"Alex already said I could whilst my car is being fixed so what are you gonna do about it, sweetheart?" He had moved forward so I could feel his breath on my neck and it made me shiver. I tried to keep my composure and not let him see. That would just egg him on.

"Actually Ethan," chimed in Alex. Yes! Big brother to the rescue. "I have to stay late for a basketball tryout." I don't like where this is going. "So do you want to take my car and drive you and Brooke back? I'll get a ride with someone else."

No, no, no. He already does football, why does he need to do another sport?

I turned around with wide eyes only to be met with a smirk plastered on Ethan's face. I started shaking my head as to try get Ethan to reject my brothers offer but to my dismay, he unsurprisingly went to face Alex and said "Yep!" popping the 'P'.

He's so annoying.

The whole day at school was spent with me dreading what was to come on the journey home. I was also trying to plot revenge on my brother. He knows how much I hate Ethan so he should pay for putting me through torture.

The bell rang signalling the end of the day and my half an hour of hell.

I slowly walked down the crowded hallways not wanting to have to get in the car. Hayden suddenly appeared in front of me. I wasn't expecting it at all and stumbled forward. He luckily caught me and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I tried to regain myself.

"I'm so sorry, you just came out of nowhere!"

He just chuckled and pecked my lips. "Don't worry about it. I was just on my way to the basketball tryouts."

"Oh, I didn't know you were going to that. Would you like me to go with you and watch?" Anything to get out of a drive with Ethan. Plus, I feel like me and Hayden haven't hung out much over summer.

"No no, it's fine. I'll text you what happens after, yeah?" With that, he briefly hugs me and walks off to the gym.

Damn it.

—- words [1192]
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Olivia :)

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