Chapter 15

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After a few days Sonic was released from the hospital, and was finally dragged back to the castle.  He sat with his mother, siblings and his friends at the dining room table. "So..." Manic began, trying to ignore the fact that Sonic was pouting. "Welcome to the castle..." 

Amy smiled "Thank you." She glanced at Sticks. "Sticks, please sit down."

Sticks, unlike the rest of the people at the table, was standing and glaring at her own shadow. "When this thing stops followin' me, I will."

"Sticks, that's your shadow." Sonic grumbled.

"Sonic, you're an adult, please stop slouching." Queen Aleena spoke. 

"I would sit up straight, except I don't want to."


Sonic started to get up. "I'm goin' to the library."

"That's... The first time I've ever heard him say that." Sonia mumbled. "I didn't even know he knew how to read."

"I'll go with him." Shadow offered.

"You're that guard that went missing the same day Sonic did." Aleena mumbled as Shadow followed after Sonic.


"So, why're you in the castle library?" Shadow asked as Sonic looked at a book in his hand.

"I'm gonna find a way that I don't have to become king after all this crap is over."


"Yeah, right now we can't have a coronation because of Eggman, he's a threat and a coronation during a time with him suddenly getting stronger like this is a bad idea, so I have time. But, once we stop Egghead, I have to make it so I can't become King."  He pointed at a paragraph, "To become King, the heir must be willing to become king." He smiled. "If the heir isn't willing, the next in line for the throne, will take the throne."

"So Sonia,"

"Is technically next in line for the throne." Sonic grinned. "I don't have to be king if I don't want to be king."

"Wait, just below it." Shadow pointed at a bit of the paragraph, "Though  if the heir is the only one fit to be crowned, they'll have too."

"That's fine, Sonia would be a great queen."

"Yeah, but your mom, she seems to believe that you'd be best fit."

"Well I don't think I am. Besides, Sonia and Manic helped lead the Freedom Fighters, they're both just as capable of ruling Mobius as I am." Sonic spoke just before an explosion rang out from below the library. His eyes widened. "Oh no."

"Oh shit." Shadow mumbled

"The dungeons are under the library!" Sonic yelled "Robotnik is locked up down there!" He almost started running, but remembered his ankle. "I... I can't fight him like this."

"But I can." Shadow spoke as he ran towards the library's door. "Stay here."


Robotnik laughed evilly as he stomped out of the now destroyed cell. "Well, if it isn't my grandson, Eggman."

"Grandfather." Eggman spoke. 

"Need my help killing some hedgehogs?"

"Yes sir."

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