Lazy Person

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Song Name: Who Says
Singer Name: Selena Gomez

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.14

Evelyn's POV:

Since today we hadn't decided on the time and besides, they didn't give preference so I'm doing one of my personal favorites. I had Mark wake up early, meaning at 11 a.m. Yes, for this lazy person even 11 in the morning is early.

 Yes, for this lazy person even 11 in the morning is early

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I gave him a list of groceries and he whined like a sissy. So I had Ron accompany him. Also, I made breakfast today consisting of bacon, toast, scrambled eggs with herbs and chocolate chip pancakes. With blueberry sauce my own recipe. He's more of a tea lover so I brewed him English tea. While for everyone else it was coffee.

Mommy was surprised by learning the events of last night. I wasn't going to tell her but last night the parents of one of the bastards called asking or more like begging me to let them be bailed out. I simply declined. They should've thought about it before doing it. Thankfully, she wasn't angry with me, if anything she was proud of me.

So now, I've prepared, the fillings for two of my dishes BBQ cheesy pizza rolls, and Flautas de Pollo (Chicken Flautas aka flutes). The second one is more of an appetizer.

But since I'm also doing desert I'd prefer a bit lighter lunch. I was putting together the pizza rolls for the final baking meaning only melting the cheese that I'll put when Mark calls, "Evie... I can't find the chocolate you've listed in here."

"Hmm... no probs. I thought it might be unavailable. Just grab a pack of Maltesers. And while you're at it can you buy a 12-inch pizza pan, chocolate chips, and white chocolate chips."

"You couldn't have just written it?" He asks probably tired.

I giggle, "Sorry, I just checked the cupboards. Thank you, Mark!"

I hang up. And manually make the brownie and cupcake mix. At that moment the bell rings and I look at my phone only to see its 12:48 p.m. I wonder who that can be.

Making my way to the door I open it only to land on the floor. Well, that was very surprising. Let me rewind. The moment I opened the door, charlotte who is standing with her father, jumped onto me since I wasn't expecting it my butt meets the ground.

"EVIE! I'm so happy to see you!" Charlotte squeals hugging me.

I laugh at her actions and put my own arms around her little body and hug her, "I missed you too cutie pie! I missed you soo much these days!"

And it's the honest truth, every other day whenever I'd call Mrs. Theodore Sr. I would ask about Charlotte, she backs away a little so she can see my face pouts, "No you didn't! If you did you would call Daddy! But all these days Daddy only got calls from the office!"

Wow, this girl is way too attentive, "Alright that's enough Charlotte. Besides, she has a lot of work as well. Like Grandma. So you can't blame her, okay sweetheart?" Archer says softly.

Charlotte nods, "Sorry Evie..."

I kiss her on both her cheeks and nose to which she giggles and automatically I smile, "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I was wrong not to call you sweetie pie. From today onwards, I'll call you whenever I have the time, okay?"

She nods, "Now what do you say we both stand up? The floor since it doesn't have a carpet doesn't feel good to me. Hmm?"

She instantly blushes and gets out of my arms. I stand up and see Bella and Chris are here as well, "Sorry Evie, this was unexpected. On the breakfast table, we were talking about coming here and well Charlotte dragged her Daddy along with her." Bella giggles at the end.

I giggle along with her, "No problem. I'll always be happy when little Charlotte comes to visit me." With that, I pick her up in my arms.

We all get seated and I ask the maid to serve drinks for charlotte, I prepare strawberry-flavored milk. It's a quick and easy recipe. She enjoys it a lot.

"So you guys are here earlier than I thought." I start.

"Yeah, well our little munchkin here was literally on a sugar rush. So we had to come. You should actually be thankful we're not here early in the morning." Chris chuckles.

I giggle, "Well if you were you would've seen a really scary monster instead of me."

"No, Evie. You can never look bad! I honestly envy you sometimes." Ly says coming downstairs from our office we've set up here.

Bella and I giggle, "Bella! You're finally here! I am in a total bind for matching an outfit up. Can you help me?"

"Uh, yeah sure. But how did you know I like designing or rather arranging clothes?" Bella asks back.

I smile knowing the answer, "Oh that's simple. Analyzing your outfit you chose for today along with shoes you matched them with is the answer. That either you appreciate designers' creativity but still have your own ideas or that you're into designing yourself hence, the arrangement."

She looks absolutely stunned, "You guessed this much just by an outfit?"

"Definitely. I'm not Bernard Alonso's daughter for nothing now am I. I have a habit analyzing or over-analyzing person, thing, place, or situation."

"Wait a sec, you're Bernard Alonso's as in the business tycoon Bernard Alonso's daughter?" Chris asks.

She nods sitting beside me, "Than are you related to the owner of Dream Palace? It's rumored that it has the support of the Alonso family. Which near to impossible to have. But their CEO is known to remain hidden from the media. In a recent interview, Mr. Alonso announced that his daughter is the 2nd shareholder alongside Mark Stan of the prestigious Dream Palace. But she'll formally be introduced at the event held in a week's time here in LA. It's also sponsored by both Dream Palace and Alonso Industries."

"Wow, Evie, I didn't know being related to you would be such a big honor." Ly jokes.

I hit her on the head, Chris and Bella look even more shocked than before, "Y-You're the CEO of Dream Palace?" Bella asks.

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