Lifeless Eyes

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Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment. Song and singer for this chapter are as follows:-

Song Name: Adam's Song
Singer Name: Blink-182
Cover By: First To Eleven

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.18

Archer's POV:

Heading over early the next morning to Colton's house, Lyra told me that Evelyn had left early in the morning. It was already 11 a.m. and she starting to get worried. Sighing, I went back to my car and sat inside. I take out my phone and call her from it. Only for it to go unanswered. After trying at least 10 times I throw my phone on the passenger seat.

I was really starting to get worried about her... I don't know why but I have a feeling that she's anything but fine. Speeding my car back home I directly go to Dad's study, "Dad, I need Bernard Alonso's personal number."

Mom and Dad were sitting together so they look at me a bit surprised, "What's the matter, son? Didn't you go to visit Evelyn dear?" Mom asks.

I nod, "I did but when I reached she wasn't there and she left early in the morning. And she's not picking up anyone's calls at all. The only person I know she'll answer or tell where she is him."

"Don't worry son. Evelyn is a smart girl—" I cut Dad off, "Dad, I know something isn't right! She's smart but she's only 16! Just think about what Mom's been through when she was 16! I just have a really bad feeling! I'm not gonna wait for news to reach me!"

That shuts them up completely without a second thought Dad gets up and calls Bernard, "Yeah, sorry Bernard for disturbing you... Wait where are you going? What? Fine, you and Celia go there... We're coming as well..."

Dad hangs up and looks at me, "You're right, Archer... The bodyguard Bernard's appointed for Evelyn is saying that he's tried his best to make her get up but she won't listen to him and is burning up with a fever and to top things off its heavily raining!"

"Shit! Where is she?" I ask worriedly.

"We're both going, son. I'm not letting my friend's daughter suffer like this. Come on, let's go." It's been a long time I've seen Dad worried and that too for someone other than family.

We reach the destination and it's a private cemetery... What in the world is Eve doing here... Unless "Yes Archer... This is where her father is buried."

Like Bernard said it was pouring and hard. Taking an umbrella I go in first and surprisingly, they let me. I walk in and in 5 minutes I locate Eve. I call out to her but there was no response... I went closer to her and shook her and finally, she looked up with lifeless eyes. It made a chill pass down my spine and not of a good kind. When I tried to make her leave she instantly refused. It was as if she had completely lost it.

Bernard and his wife Celia arrived no later than 5 minutes, Celia tried to approach but Eve completely refused. Now I understand what Mom felt when I went through all the suffering and had no one to confide into. Reaching my limit I moved forward and hugged her petite figure to me. She was cold as ice but was completely burning up. She cried and literally broke down... From how long had she been concealing her emotions? Her feelings? Her needs? Her wants? Did anyone ever think about her other than themselves?

I kept her in my arms and let her cry as much as her heart could desire... It wasn't easy seeing her like this but for her sake, I kept myself together. I kissed her forehead, and whispered in her ear, "I'll never let you feel alone, again."

After that, her body went limp. Of course, the fever took over and she collapsed in my arms. Picking her up, I turned around to face everyone. Bernard and Celia looked downright broken. I guess they truly love her. Dad looked completely defeated.

They decided to go to our mansion since it was the closest and besides Mom had called Aunt Scarlett. The first thing they did was changed her clothes. Since Bella's clothes were a bit tight on her so I lend them my clothes. Seeing her in my clothes was really a sight like no other. She looked really innocent and cute. Nothing like she looked like yesterday. She looked like a child she should be. Putting my hand gently on her cheek it was still slightly warm. There was a pink hue covering them. I kissed her forehead and stepped out of my room.

Going downstairs I saw everyone was already present including Lyra, Mark, her mother, and brother.

"I apologize Austin, but I'll have to cease the contract for the time being between Dream Palace and your companies. To me, her health comes first." Bernard says.

"It's no problem... Bernard... What exactly happened 7 years ago? We suddenly lost contact with Ashton and the next thing we knew was that he was murdered in cold blood. But Saira and Evelyn disappeared... Just what happened?"

He sighs, "It's a long story, Austin... It started with Adam's return... Ashton wasn't happy with his parents' decision. And wanted to move as soon as possible. He was afraid of them doing something to his wife and daughter. But before he knew what was coming for him he was murdered in front of his daughter. The murderer or should I say Adam warned Evelyn that even if she dared to go to the police no one would believe her. He bought them all. And another fact, he would kill Saira and alongside her unborn child. It would all be her fault. It mentally damaged Evelyn to the point she didn't dare to do anything. Her only concern became protecting her mother and unborn brother. But the pressure was too much and as you already know Saira went in premature delivery."

We all nod, "What you don't know is that at that time, she had to make a choice whether she wanted to save her brother or her mother. Considering she was only 10 and already losing her father it was too much for her and quite literally begged the doctors to save them both. They answered it wasn't possible for them to handle such a case so they'd have to shift her to a private hospital... I had already found her by then so she asked to work for me if I helped her. I thought she was bluffing. But when I had her investigated she was speaking the entire truth."

"I helped her and gave her the impression that she'll have to return the amount but when she can. They were able to save Saira and Cameron. But her case became too complicated and she went into a coma for 2 years. In those years, many people betrayed me as well. Making it a complicated situation for me. But she stood by me as though my pillar of support. She gave me and Celia hope when we lost hope ourselves." Bernard had tears in his eyes.

It was impossible seeing a stone-hearted person actually crying, his wife put her hand on his shoulder, "S-She single-handedly rose Dream Palace a project I was still constructing. She somehow managed to win over a crowd and was able to make Dream Palace from nothing but rubble. But that was where everything started going downhill. She made me the king of the business world but for that, she sacrificed herself for it. I'll never be able to forgive myself for it. Ly and Mark met much later. But the initial days were completely on her... As compensation to what I made her lose I handed her Dream Palace completely. But that was another mistake on my part. I shouldn't have done and now I truly realize how much of a fool I was... In thoughts of helping her, I may have been the one who used her the most." 

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