I'm Indebted To You

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Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment! Song and singer for this chapter are as follows:-

Song Name: Nightmare
Singer Name: Halsey
Cover By: First To Eleven

Without further ado here is chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No. 17

Archer's POV:

"Now, I would like to ask you, Mr. Adam, to leave before I call the security on you." A voice booms from in front of us.

We look ahead to see its Bernard Alonso accompanied by Dad and all my uncles. The man loses all color but leaves not bothering to look back. Bernard Alonso steps forward and takes Eve from me, "Evie dear are you alright? I don't how he got inside. But I'll make there's never a second time."

She shakes her head, "N-No Uncle... It's okay... I'm fine. His words aren't enough to break me. You taught me better. But would it be alright if I hug you?"

He smiles gently, which seems impossible on such cold-hearted stone-faced person but here he is smiling for her, "Of course, sweetheart. You're my daughter." He gently hugs her and wraps her arms around him.

He kisses on her head and gently strokes her hair in a soothing effect, then looks forward directly at me, "Thank you, Archer, for protecting my daughter. The world may see her as my niece. But to me and my wife, she's our second daughter. I will never let anyone harm her again. I may have given the chance to work with me but the reality is that I felt a connection to her. It may seem absurd but it's the truth. For protecting her I am indebted to you."

I'm shocked on hearing his words, Dad puts his hand on my shoulder, "No need to feel indebted Bernard. In fact, we're greatly indebted to both your daughters for saving my daughter and grand-daughter."

He nods, "So sweetie, I'm assuming you must be tired, I'll have Mark and Lyra accompany you back. Does that sound okay to you?"

"What about the party?" She asks finally raising her head and I can see that she was silently crying and it honestly broke me to see her like this.

"Don't worry. No one can dare to ask me about you or Mark and Lyra. They fear far too much for that to happen." He chuckles.

Eve nods, "Okay... But before that, I wanted to ask you, something Uncle... In private?"

He nods, "Sorry, gentlemen I'll have to take my leave now. Have a good evening."

He leads Eve out of the garden then I face Dad, "Dad, who was that?"

"That was Adam Colton. The uncle of Evelyn Colton." Uncle Brian answers.

"Why was he here in the first place?" I ask more to myself than them.

"He's a madman, Archer. The Colton family doesn't exactly have a clean slate except for Evelyn's father Ashton. They have been involved in the mafia world which majorly consists of drugs and human trafficking. But there are also other side businesses. Ashton Colton was absolutely different from them. The moment he got the family empire he left the mafia world completely. And went as far as to seek protection from us. It was a risk he was willing to take for Saira and their unborn child. What he didn't know was that if a black sheep in a flock of white is born. It's killed for its uniqueness. The price had to be paid by Evelyn and Saira." Uncle Brian explained.

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