History Is About To Repeat Itself

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Sorry it's taking me forever to update chapters but hopefully it will be an up-spree today. And yes I still have a very important author's note that I'll  update separately!  Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment!

Song Name: Somebody I Used To Know
Singer Name: Gotye
Cover By: F211

Without further ado here is another chapter of Love Will Conquer!



Chapter No.35

Amalie's POV:


Accepting that Austin and the others had links with the mafia wasn't an easy thing for me. I didn't want Evelyn to think of my son any differently. I know with the way he looks at Evelyn that he's completely in love with her and would do whatever it takes to win over her love. But at the same time, she needs to know.

Archer sits on her other side and has his arms wrapped around her and she leans into his touch, it makes me internally smile seeing that Evelyn is finally starting to depend on Archer.

She sighs, "Which means that you guys are involved with the illegal world but for security reasons and other stuff. It's okay with me. If that's what's bothering you guys... I just want to confirm that you aren't involved with things... well disturbing, right?"

I smile genuinely this time and my husband wraps his arm around me as I moved away from them to him, "No, dear, we never were and neither do we ever plan to."

She is a lot like me in the aspect she doesn't like cursing and doesn't want to be involved in degrading things and matters. I see clearly why Dawny mom and Archer were and still are so drawn to her. Even my grand-daughter loves her without a doubt. She is a ray of sunshine and can light up even the darkest of places.

"Great! So why was it necessary for me to know your link to the underworld when I was asking about my Dad?" She asks.

"Wait for a second, sweetie, I'm gonna connect the call to the TV so that it's easier for Saira to explain," I say.

Austin takes the pad from Evelyn and connects it to the TV, "Evelyn, sweetheart... I and your father met in very unlikely situations. My sister, meaning your aunt was raped when she was only 16..."

Evelyn gasps and puts her hands to her mouth, which only means she has never known till now, "It was too much for her and even though I convinced her it wasn't her fault and tried to take her psychiatrist it didn't work... And before she reached the age of 18 she committed suicide. She was the baby of the house so my father was unable to bear the loss so he died a year and a half later. The rapist was none other than your father's brother... Ashton never knew that his family was wholly involved in illegal businesses. Not until he met me, three months later after my Dad's death. He looked almost identical to his brother so my first reaction to him was to slap him and hard. He was utterly shocked and asked how dare I act unethically... I was beyond reasoning and blamed him for everything. He didn't believe me at first... But when I showed him the proof he said the picture I have is of his brother. It then hit me like a tonne of bricks that I basically blamed the brother. Another thing he told me was his brother is innocent."

"Mommy, Adam is anything but innocent!" Evelyn says in pure anger.

Thankfully, Archer has his arm around her and pulls her closer to him, but it doesn't do anything to lessen the hatred she feels, which honestly is not wrong since that man is worth all of it.

"I know, Evie. But Ashton didn't... Another thing you don't know is that the Coltons' were a family widely known for being involved in drug-smuggling and human-trafficking. Ashton didn't know anything about it. I started to work for him as his personal assistant but he started to fall in love with me. But I would never let him near me. When one day he finally cornered me, I told him on-spot I hate him. The only reason I work for him is because of the pay. His brother was the reason for my sister's suicide. He was shocked to the core and swore he would find out the truth and if what I said is true then he will bring justice. But he didn't know what he was about to find out would be life-threatening. Regardless, he had his own brother imprisoned and completely cut off ties with the mafia world. But it made him more enemies any of us could handle..."

In the end, Saira was sniffling, so she cut the call. I and Austin leave the room because she needs space to think and basically accept realities.

Austin takes me to the garden a place he knows I prefer when I feel down and just out of sorts, "What are you thinking, Ange?"

Instantly, I smile on the nickname, "Nothing, dear..." He cuts me off, "Malie, if I know one thing whenever you say it's nothing, it's something and a lot. I know you're thinking about Evelyn. But know this she's Ashton's daughter and doesn't know the meaning of 'quit'."

I turn my body towards my husband, he holds my wedding band hand in his and gently just strokes it with his thumb, "That's what scares me more... If Ashton just let go of his pride he might have lived longer. His daughter wouldn't have had to suffer so much." I sigh.

Sitting down in the patio chairs Austin looks solemn, "No my dear wife... He may have not been able to live at all. The guilt he felt would've eaten him alive. Sometimes staying quiet is far more devastating than coming out and pushing away people who aren't worth it. Even if it means family. But the only mistake Ashton committed was that he didn't ask for help and tried to deal with all on his own. At least his daughter is willing to accept as well as ask for help."

I nod agreeing with him, before I can ask anything else I hear Evelyn's voice, "What my Dad started is great but now I want to end it. So that I can finally breathe and live in peace. I'm starting to get tired of all this constant fighting. And I just want to be able to relax without being constantly worried about backstabbing and sabotaging people."

"We will fix that, Evelyn. But right now, our top priority is to let the Thompsons know that Theodores have never been a force to reckoned with. We are going to fight fire with fire." Austin says with absolute no questioning tone.

Evelyn nods, "Maybe I can help with that, you guys aren't only ones with mafia relations. You'd be surprised, what a girl like me can do." She smiles at us.

I have a funny feeling that history is about to repeat itself.

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