2 Months, Coma?

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Hello! Dear readers/followers, I know I've not been updating regularly... A lots been happening in my life, and thus I didn't have the will to write. My special reader/a friend which I've over in a few days, would of course, be disappointed till date for the irregular updates. But hopefully, I'll get back on track soon. Also if you want to know what's been happening in my life Comment below! Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment!

Singer Name: LINKIN' PARK

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.27

Evelyn's POV:

Mark's grip tightens, everyone close to me knows my condition, "Evie... Don't say those words so carelessly. I've already talked and everything will turn out okay."

I nod. They look at me in wonder but I'd rather not involve them ever again, "Anyways, enjoy the evening. If you'll excuse me."

I take my leave to sit at the back of the hall which is pretty abandoned, "Sissy, what's wrong?" Ron asks.

"Nothing, Little guy. Just have a lot on my mind." I reply.

"Is it about the surgery?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah... Cameron it's just a bit much... But I can't escape it no matter how much I try."

"Don't worry sissy everything will turn out well," Ron says.

I nod and smile thinking that how much reliable my own brother is becoming. And this year he'll turn 7. God, time passes way too quickly.

But there's something odd... I thought Xia and Archer are dating then why was he alone today?

Archer's POV:

If I thought Evelyn can't get any more beautiful she literally blows me away each and every time. Damn it! The more I try to convince I don't like her anymore the more my heart refuses to listen to me.

I fu*king wanted to kill Stan for putting his arm around her and the way he looked at her retrieving back makes me wonder are the rumors really true? Are they dating but don't want to make things official?

That moment Lyra comes to him and his face brightens in an instant, "Hey babe, I was looking for you. Where's Evie?" Lyra asks.

My eyes widen. Babe? What does that mean, he sighs, "She just left I think she sat down. You know doctors have limited her physical activities."

Wait for a second, limited activity? Just what is going on, "What do you mean? Why did the doctors limit her physical activities?" I voice out my thoughts.

They both whip they're heads at us, "Sorry but this is a family matter. I'd rather not discuss with an outsider. And besides what does our Evie have to do with you Theodore?" Marks says coldly.

My face turns hard, "She matters to me, Stan. I haven't stopped liking her from back then."

He laughs at my face, "What a way to show it! By dating Xia Thompson? The slut? You're comparing our pure-hearted and most caring girl with a slut? At least if you wanted to make a comparison she should have some class. But I was really wrong in my judgment. And for that I'm still angry at myself."

Seb steps forward and grabs his collar, "Watch what you say, Stan. You're no more powerful than us. And it was because of your pure-hearted friend that my cousin ended up in the hospital! So don't protect her in front of me."

Lyra pushes Seb away, roughly, "Listen here, Anderson. We didn't ask for it. Okay? Evie has her own set of problems and it was because of this specific reason she on spot refused."

"Yeah, if she didn't do it then at least Archer wouldn't have ended up in a coma!" Chris says.

"What?" We hear a voice and all our heads turn to Evelyn.

Shit! I wasn't planning on anyone knowing about this. Evelyn's eyes gloss over, "Is that the truth?"

Reluctantly, we or I nod, Charlotte steps forward, "Evie... Why did you reject Daddy, then? I thought you started to like Daddy as well..."

"I-I did..." Her hand reaches her chest and it looks as though she's in pain Paolo realizes something, "Shit! Mark contact our doctor now!"

He puts his arms around Evelyn, "I can't b-breath..." with that Evelyn falls down but Paolo catches her.

At that moment Bernard and Celia Alonso come and their eyes widen. Bernard rushes forward and takes her from Paolo, "I don't care what happened... I'm taking her to the hospital."

He rushes out of the room not caring about the rumors start to spread, Celia has tears in her eyes but faces us, "I know what our niece did wasn't right. But please don't interfere in her life anymore. She's not well at all. What Bernard was scared about happened and she has a very bad heart condition. She can't take any sort of stress. Please just let her live in peace. I apologize if my niece said anything hurtful in the past but it was only to protect all of you." She brisk walks out with Lyra in tow.

"Dad, I'm ending the ball. I can't stay here not knowing how Evie is."

"Mark, go. I'll take care of things here." Mark nods but turns to us, "Guess we're even, your cousin was in a coma for two months and now my best friend, no, my sister is in a life and death battle for her own life. I hope that's enough for you all." Mark than runs out of the room.

I am completely and utterly defeated now... I've never felt at a loss for words as I am now... And it's not just me. Looking around everyone looks absolutely defeated.

"I apologize for my son... He's just really stressed because of Evie. For him she's his sister. And seeing his sister not knowing whether she's alright or not just blew him... But I must say something's before there is any further misunderstanding. First of all, Evelyn was the one who saved Archer not Xia Thompson.

Evelyn knew if they had come so far as to target her mother they would definitely target everyone related. And that's why she rejected Archer's confession. Another thing, she ran after Archer to warn him something's wrong but before that, in the parking lot out of the hospital, someone as in Adam had run his car over Archer. She on purposely, admitted him to another hospital but made sure no one knew because she had decided to reopen the case. And that is how Xia came into the picture. What she didn't know was that you remained in a coma for two months. Now if you'll excuse me I need to wrap things up."

"D-Daddy... Is Evie okay? She looked so pale..." Charlotte says.

I don't know myself just what to reply...

The next day early in the morning I call Bernard but he doesn't pick up but its Lyra, her voice is hoarse, it makes my heart thump with worry, "Lyra... How is Evelyn?"

"She's better now, Archer... But why now? Why after all this time? Please just leave her be. She's going through a lot. I want her to experience the world... But she constantly blames herself for your condition. Even when she woke up she started crying and as a result, the doctors gave her light sleeping medicines. She can't take any stress, Archer, for now." She replies.

I close my eyes and force my tears to stop from flowing, "I know, I'm the cause of a lot of things... But please let me meet her..."

The line goes silent, "Fine, Theodore you can. Just try to avoid stress-related topics. I know my sister wants to talk to you as well." Mark says.

I sigh in relief, they tell me that she was allowed to go home but is on bed rest. Mom's serving breakfast when I reach the door, "Archer, where are you going early in the morning?"

"I'm going to see Eve, Mom... She's been discharged but is at home. I talked to her friends and I can see her now." I reply.

"After everything we did, they still allowed you?" Mom asks surprised.

I nod, "Yeah they have. I'll be late Mom."

With that I jog out to the garage and take my car out. I can't seem to take out Eve's face when she found that I was in coma for 2 months. It haunts me to no end.

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