Don't Pity Bucky

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"Fate is never fair. You are caught in a current much stronger than you are; struggle against it and you'll drown not just yourself but those who try to save you. Swim with it. And you'll survive."- Cassandra Clare

Steve's POV(8 years later)

Sometimes, Steve wondered if God was just a grumpy old coot who worked only to screw over the truly good people of the world. It sure felt like it to him.

Every year since Percy and Bucky had joined the Rogers residence, Percy had disappeared every summer. She was so kind to me and others, so was Bucky, but at a young age, she lost both her parents and starting from Christmas the year she turned 14, he saw her return home with eyes even more beat* then the return before. She was unraveling at the seems, and one year, the one she turned 16 she disappeared at Christmas and didn't reappear until Thanksgiving! Though, with every return she became more of a dish*! She was always behind the grind* but with how much she disappears, I couldn't blame her.(1930-40s slang: Beat= Broke/broken, Dish= An attractive woman, Behind the grind= Behind in one's studies)

I had seen the random scars that had definitely not been there before on her arms, and dare I say I looked that low, on her legs as well when they're visible. I was insanely worried for her, because she would often keep herself awake to keep the nightmares away.

She would never be without company, refusing to be in a room by herself. She basically became mine and Bucky's filly*. I was confused, because Bucky was confused. He didn't know what was wrong, only that something was wrong!(1930-40s slang: Filly= Constant girl companion to a boy)

Bucky had moved out a few weeks after they turned 18. He had left to train at Camp Lehigh, like his father had done.

But one thing more than others affected me recently. Momma. Her work as a nurse in the TB ward caused her to become a lunger* herself! She had died. She'll be with Pops, I'm sure.(1930-40s slang: Lunger= Someone with tuberculosis)

The thing that confused me the most is that Percy, beautiful, scarred, traumatized and broken Percy was comforting me. While I really do appreciate it, I can't understand how she's able to do it with all of her own problems balanced on top of the pile of mine that she keeps busy with correcting. She doesn't have to, but she does it anyway. She, too is in training to join the military, though I can tell that she's working harder than the men.

Why should the idea of a dame* being strong enough to get into the army be scoffed at? With all Percy has been through and all she's able to do now, I'm confident that she could get in! She's stronger than most of the soldiers there!(1930-40s slang: Dame= Woman)

"Hey crumb*!!"(1930-40s slang: Crumb= A fink, a loser by social standards)

Maybe if I dangle*, the pill* will leave me alone, I cursed inwardly then. Percy was in the shop and I couldn't leave her there! Only a curve* or a pill would leave a pip* like Percy at the shop by herself!(1930-40s slang: Dangle= Leave in a hurry, Pill= Disagreeable person, Curve= Disappointment, Pip= Attractive person)

The pill gripped my shirt and dragged me to the alley behind the shop before throwing a punch. Then he took my five spot* and I worked hard for that so I fought back, like usual. And like usual, I ended up being kicked down to the ground.(1930-40s slang: Five spot= Five dollar bill)

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