Now what?

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Twins, we're having twins, Vic. 

We are going to be parents. I'm going to mess this up so bad. What if they don't like me? 
I started to panic. Vic just held my hand, staring in amazement at the ultrasound picture.

"This is why you've been so weird lately?" He asked me.
    "Vic, what do you mean weird?"
"Well, I mean, you have been acting like you were hiding something, that's why I asked if you were cheating on me earlier. Now it all makes sense, which makes my gift even better!" He laughed. Not a chuckle, a full belly laugh. He was so proud of himself, for this small little gift as he pulled out a t-shirt that said "Future Baby Momma" on it. On going joke for us. Oh lover boy.
    "Maybe we should take the future part out, now, huh?" I laughed with him.

We got home that night, and started talking baby plans. Which room we were going to use out of the three bedroom house he bought us. What color we should paint the nursery. Should we keep them in the same crib or different cribs. What color the cribs should be. What names we should put on the list. I got too sleepy to keep my eyes open any longer. As I was falling asleep, I heard one thing Ill have to ask about in the morning.

"No, Kellin. Im not waking her up. She has had a very busy night."


"No, Kellin. Im not waking her up. She had a very busy night." I tried to sneak away so I didn't wake the beautiful angel next to me. "What do you mean you saw it online?"
    "I saw the shirt you bought her. Future baby momma? Really? Did you knock her up Fuentes? If you did, Im going to come to your house and drag your Mexican ass all over town so you can pick out your wedding rings!"
"Kellin, I already have them picked out. And I'll let her tell you. I will have her call you in the morning, okay? Good night." I hung up the phone and snuggled up to the most amazing woman I could have ever been so lucky to meet.


I woke up as the sun was rising. I decided now was a great time to wake up and do some more research on my book. While I booted up my laptop, I checked my notifications. 

8 text messages from Kellin.
128 notifications from Instagram.
241 notifications from Twitter.

25 missed calls from Kellin.

15 missed calls from Mike.

10 missed calls from Jamie.

4 missed calls from Turtle.

I had never seen so many notifications. Kellin's messages were all the same. Please call me ASAP. It's important. I'm a dumbass and I am sorry. I love you. Over and over again. What surprised me was the twitter and IG notifications. That's when I saw it. The picture from last night. Of the shirt, of Vic holding the ultrasound picture, and the video of me telling Vic that I am pregnant with his babies. With clear sound. There were so many comments from fans.

@piercethevic I am so happy for you! Finally found a good one!

@JenniferBostwick I cant wait to see how beautiful those babies are!! Mini Jen's and Mini Vic's soon to come!!

They just kept going. I smiled to my self, knowing that twitter wouldnt be as nice, I just thought to disregard those. 

I texted Kellin to let him know I was awake, since it was now 7am. I knew Mike, Jamie and Tony wouldnt be awake to celebrate with us just yet, so I didnt bother calling them back. They would most likely be over in a few hours anyways.

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