Sanity is not enough

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Beep. Beep. Beep. My heart rate was steady. Then I heard it. Someone was crying. I felt a heaviness on my left side. I heard another heart rate. This one was faster, double mine. I opened my eyes slowly, knowing that the bright light of the hospital was going to blind me, at least momentarily.

"Vic? Whats wrong baby?" I tried to lift my hand to touch his face, but he moved before I could.
    "Jennifer, why didn't you tell me that you weren't eating, or drinking anything?" He looked alarmed and scared. "I was so worried about you. The doctor said you passed out due to malnutrition and dehydration. You could have not only killed the babies, but yourself. I can't lose all three of you." He was still crying, you could see the tears free flowing down his cheeks.
"I am so sorry Vic, I didn't realize what was going on. I was so stressed out between the fight Kellin and I had at the beginning of everything, then Hayley coming in trying to destroy everything. Tell me something, Vic. Is it true? Did you get her pregnant too?" I wanted to scream. I remember the post, the picture, the conversation she had with me before I ended up here. "Tell me the truth. I trust you but my heart needs to hear it from you." My heart nearly stopped waiting on him. It was like watching a movie in slow motion.

"I would never cheat on someone as wonderful as you. I could never hurt you on purpose. I love you. I did not sleep with, kiss, or get Hayley pregnant. I only did all of that with the love of my life." He smiled. 
    "Oh, you mean your fiance, wife, and girlfriend?" I was laughing at the words I remembered hearing him describe me as. 
"Oh my god. You heard that? I mean, Im not ashamed to call you my wife, but first I need to know if you want to be my wife?"
     "If this is your way of asking me to marry you? Cause it's not that romantic." I laughed at his gesture.

As if on cue, the doctor strolled in to check my vitals since I was finally awake and ready to go home. They gave me fluids and talked to me about my babies health, and as if reading our minds, Dr. Sterling asked if we wanted to know the gender of our kids. We smiled brightly as if we were begging for that information.

"Well, folks. You're going to have an even household." We were confused. "You have a little boy and a little girl on the way." He was so happy about it. "This is quite rare, so please, if you have any questions, dont be afraid to ask!" He walked out of the room.

"Adrian and Harmony." I breathed. Vic looked at me confused. 
"Their names. Adrian and Harmony. Remember that nightmare I had before Hayley did that dumb thing? I saw them. The kids, and those were their names." I smiled.
    "What about middle names?"
"Adrian Victor Fuentes. Harmony Lynn Fuentes." I couldnt help but match the 100 watt smile he had on his face. He was absolutely happy with the choice I made. 
    "May I?" He asked, in reference to the ultrasound pictures the doctor left with us.
"Sure. They are yours as much as mine. What are you going to do with them?"
     "Fight fire with fire." He said as he took out his phone.

Next thing I know, my instagram was blowing up with notifications from one post. A post that Vic tagged me and Hayley in.

Oh, man. Here we go.

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