Chapter 18: Dagen's backstory

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Back flash Jake/ Dagen's POV

"Are you ready to die prince Julius." My master says to the young prince as he ready his sword to streak. The prince was already wounded and has no weapon. He looked as if he was now ready to die today. I can't let that happen he seems so young and my master has done many sinful things in his life specially to me. Right as my master was about to streak I grabbed my dagger and stabbed him right in the heart. "I can't let you hurt anyone anymore master." I said as I heard the gagging of my master chocking on his blood. I pulled my dagger out of my now died master watching him fall next to the prince and his blood slowly spilling to the ground. The young prince looked shocked that I'd kill my master. I extended my arm out to him so he could take. "Why?.... Why would you kill your own master?.." the prince said shockingly. "He's done sinful things to people.. and to myself he made me do terrible things as well. I didn't want to do those things but I had to so I could live.. and I couldn't let that happen anymore." I explain. He looked at me for a moment deciding if I'm trustful. After a minute or so he took my hand and I helped him up. "What's your name kid?" The price asked me. "My name is Dagen Arkyn your majesty." I said as I helped him back to the palace since he was wounded. By the time we got there 45 minutes seemed to pass and he last a lot of blood. "Help! Guards! Help! The prince is wounded please help!" I shouted as we made it to the palace gates stumbling over our own feet. Two guards ran up and helped carry him. "Where did you find him boy?" Said the first guard as we started rushing inside. My palms started to feel clammy just thinking that the only reason the prince is injured is because of my master and me. "I.. Uh.. I found him just 45 minutes out from the palace grounds." I said nervously. Well it's not hundred percent a lie. We finally made it to the infirmary with the physician already waiting for us. "What happened to the prince?" Said the physician worried. I can't tell them the truth of what happened I'm a terrible lair but here goes nothing. "When I found him he told me he was stabbed by someone. He didn't tell me anymore then that and that he's the prince of this kingdom." I said hoping that I can convince them that what I say is true. The physician looked at me for a moment and nodded saying he believes me. I'm so glad because if they found out that I helped almost kill the prince then I'd be committing treason I'd probably be hung for what I've done.


An hour or so later the physician came out of the infirmary wiping his hands from the blood that was on them. I await the news that the physician will give of the prince. "His young majesty has lost a lot of blood so he'll need about a week or so and a lot of rest." He said looking at me. For a moment I thought I heard something.


"Where is he!" Said a woman rushing down the halls to the physician. "Wait! My lady please slow down and please be careful!" Said the young maiden trying to pick up with the other woman. As the woman ahead stopped in front of me I got a good look at her and may I just say she is... quite.. pregnant. "Now my lady please he's going to need to rest." Said the physician. "He's right my lady and you she eat or rest a bit." Said the maiden. "I don't care that's my husband and soon to be your king." Said the woman as she walked into the infirmary. So that's prince Julius's wife I didn't know he had a wife let alone a pregnant wife. I decided to follow her and see how prince Julius was holding up. When I walked in it seemed like prince Julius was already awake. His wife was sitting next to him all worried. "Julius! What happened my love?" Said the prince's wife. "I'm fine Amethyst I'll be all better within the week." Julius said to her as he held her hand in reassurance. I heard the side door open and saw that it was the King. "What happened to you Julius! Who is this street rat?" Said the King with worry and confusion. "Father he's the one that saved me. You see I was having some time to myself and I was ambushed by some strangers that I never met before. I fought all but one off and he stabbed me from behind when I wasn't looking. I was just bleeding out and thought I was going to die until he came along and helped save me." Prince Julius said with a wink saying to me 'I won't let them kill you I promise'. "You! You saved my husbands life! What's your name boy?" Amethyst said to me while holding my hand. "My name.. my name is Dagen.... Dagen Arkyn." I said to her. "Thank you for saving my husband! How can I ever repay you Dagen?" She said as she hugged me. It took me a moment to think what she could repay me with and now I know. "Well you can repay me with telling me how for long your in if that's okay?" I asked her while pointing to her pregnant stomach. She looked at me for a moment and then gave me a soft smile. "I'm eight months in." She says rubbing her stomach with her gentle smile on her face. I smiled back and nodded. "How old are you boy?" The king asked seriously. "I'm 15 my lord." I said bravely so he didn't think I was weak. The king nodded his head. "You will be rewarded within a week." The king said and I bowed in front of him. After the king left Amethyst and I walked next to the bed that Julius laid at. "I'm just glad that you're going to be alright." Amethyst said as she sat down next to Julius. "Me too.. Thank you Dagen for saving me." Julius said smiling. "So what do you think the baby's going to be?" I asked both Julius and Amethyst. "I think it's going to be a boy and-" "No it's going to be a girl Julius I can feel it." Amethyst interrupted Julius. They bickered for a moment about the gender and I sat there for awhile. "Well in my opinion I think it might be a girl." I said siding with Amethyst. She smiled and said. "See Julius even Dagen thinks it's going to be a girl! If it's a girl we said we'd name her Daciana." I smiled and said it sounded cute.

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